Which means that if you know the temperature and pressure, then you still know everything. At the coexistence point.
Some aspects of the prototype (class specifications, design patterns, or coding idioms) might be able to be reused, but we placed very little pressure on the team to consider reuse at this point.
Now at any point in the day starting at 5 in the morning, there can be that same level of intensity and pressure to get something out.
It would be disappointing if the FTC verged from that point of view and the pressure would be on them to explain why they weren't judging in the same way.
And at some point the chemical potentials will equalize because of the change in pressure.
This isn’t an easy thing, to find that pressure point, that spot that will cause everything else to change.
My point is that there may be no point in making New Year’s Resolutions, so why start a brand new year off by putting this kind of counterproductive pressure on yourself?
So our usual phase diagram here with temperature on this axis here and pressure on this axis here, and we've got our triple point sitting here.
And so what this allows us to see very simply is alright, I'm going to raise the pressure at some point.
Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success, others point to mounting peer pressure, and still others to confusion over changing social values.
Kyoto, they point out, was saved from collapse at the eleventh hour, while the Bali talks in 2007 were rescued when US opposition wilted in the pressure cooker of the conference chamber.
And we also drew a phase diagram to show how this vapor pressure lowering was going to imply freezing point depression and boiling point depression.
A three to four point reduction in diastolic blood pressure would reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease by 20 per cent.
In the euro zone as a whole, the unemployment rate in January was 7.4%, a percentage point or so below the rate at which, on past form, you might expect inflationary pressure to rise.
And then if I'm above this line, if I'm at a certain pressure here, I'm at this point here, this pressure well, Let's go to a slightly higher different pressure here.
At this point the pressure at its center will become so great that runaway fusion occurs and the star will detonate in a thermonuclear supernova.
Now, at some point the pressure becomes big enough that I start to see liquid forming.
And the point here is that unlike this case, where you have a linear relationship, the relationship between the pressure and the liquid mole fraction isn't linear.
Some point out the pressure to appreciate is much less today than it was the last time China allowed the yuan to strengthen from 2005 to 2008.
French 10-year yields have come under pressure, rising to 3.46 per cent, a 38 basis point increase since the start of the week.
The critical point of the transition occurs at high temperatures, near 3100 degrees Fahrenheit and more than 1 million atmospheres of pressure.
What's the boiling point or the sublimation temperature of some material at a particular pressure?
But then you get to a point where there's just barely any pressure on top of the liquid.
That person who annoyed you to the point of near rage this morning -- the one who was talking on his cell phone so loudly and so rudely that you felt your blood pressure rising?
And we found that the gas-liquid coexistence point, the vapor pressure of the water, was less than if it were pure.
At some point, it will come under pressure internationally to begin to cut its emissions rather than just restraining their rise.
After cooler out at the exit of compressed air temperature should be saturated steam, and air temperature should be pressure of compressed air condensation point.
Firm pressure on the Three Mile Point (st 36) immediately boosts the immune system with renewed energy.
This often, within minutes, results in more jolts as the pressure that was at one point now moves to be pressure at the next point where rock fingers are holding the slippage.
Jong Won Yun and colleagues point out that obesity is a major public health threat worldwide, linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems.
Jong WonYun和他的同事们指出,在世界范围内,肥胖症已经成为一个主要得公共健康问题,它会导致糖尿病、高血压、心脏疾病以及其他健康问题。