I also want to assume for our present purposes that there's only pressure volume work going on, which is to say I want to put pdV p dV in here minus p dV for dw.
And the cycle it's going to undertake is called a Carnot cycle, and it works the following way: we're going to do pressure volume work.
Work by a pair of cavity mesh with each other in motor driver of rotor, next at high speed, and between the volume is constantly changing, so as to constantly pressure increase pressure condensed.
Increased blood volume makes your heart work harder to move more blood through your blood vessels, which increases pressure in your arteries.
In the work, an one order approximant for the mapping between the pressure and the specific volume in two phase regime was presented by Taylor series expansion.
In the work, an one order approximant for the mapping between the pressure and the specific volume in two phase regime was presented by Taylor series expansion.