Imported pneumatic components, linear motion axis unit, to ensure uniform pressure force force plane in the box.
Results show that the mezzanine foam has a very good blast-wave attenuation function, and this attenuation function increases with the input pressure force increase.
Elementary reason affecting the drawing force and direct pressure force is given, the reasons of energy saving and cost reduction with the roller dies drawing is revealed.
The relative displacement is carried out by exerting a pressure force (F) on at least one of the assembly components, approximately in the direction of the longitudinal axis (14).
The cold-pressed compacts have been made of such WCu powders, and it is found that the pressure force and loading speed have important effects on the relative density of the compacts.
Star has many characters, it is a huge air mass, and also has huge mass, it forms a gaseous sphere with great pressure force and uneven distributed mass under the effect of gravitation.
The pressure force from the difference quantities of liquid phase and the capillary force have different orientation, the migration of cobalt phase is decided by the difference pressure value P.
Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.
Although pressure to recruit women directors, unlike that to employ women in the general work force, does not derive from legislation, it is nevertheless real.
Every developer becomes aware of the concept of technical debt, whereby you make compromises in your design for the sake of some external force, such as schedule pressure.
On both issues, there is little capacity to exert force or sufficient pressure for solutions any time soon.
"Blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps out blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.
As they do so, each pair applies pressure to a soft ring around the driveshaft. The pulsating muscles collectively and continuously pinch the shaft and apply a rotational force, causing it to turn.
This chemical mimics the effects of emotional or physical stress by increasing the force of heartbeats and boosting the flow of blood in the body, which can lead to permanently raised blood pressure.
It can detect pressure from 0 to 15 kilopascals, which is the range of force required from typing to holding something in your hand.
Even if a CSP has documented change processes, including security reviews, business pressure might drive management to force virtual implementations without the delays inherent in change management.
Greenpeace hopes that increased public pressure would force the social media company to make a more committed switch to renewable energy.
The chengguan are a secondary security force employed to take pressure off the police by enforcing regulations, but are widely feared for their heavy-handedness.
Multisensory devices have already been developed and tested on reinnervated amputees, relaying sensations of contact, pressure, vibration, shear force and temperature.
The blood running through your arteries flows with too much force and puts pressure on your arteries, stretching them past their healthy limit and causing microscopic tears.
高血压是一种被广为误解的医疗症状。 血液流经您的动脉时遇到太多阻力而对你的动脉产生压力,导致超过它们的健康极限而引起微"泪滴"。
Pressure is different from force — pressure takes into account the area over which a force is exerted.
They say flip-flops force people to change the way they walk so that when taking a stride they put pressure on the outside of their foot, rather than their heel, causing long-term damage.
专家说,穿人字拖强行改变了人们走路的方式。 走路时,压力集中到了脚掌外侧,而不是脚跟,这会造成慢性损伤。
Still, Mr Assad has managed somehow not only to survive American pressure but also to make himself a force to be reckoned with.
In the past the European Commission has hinted it might force Deutsche borse to shed its clearing operations, although the pressure seems to have eased for the moment.
And since a typical tower contains a full day's worth of water, the force of gravity can maintain the hydrostatic pressure of the water system even when the power goes out.
It's pretty simple — blood pressure is the measurement of the force of the blood against the walls of your blood vessels.
It's pretty simple — blood pressure is the measurement of the force of the blood against the walls of your blood vessels.