Pressure rating: 250 psig air.
压力等级:250PS IG中的空气。
Caution: Do not exceed the maximum pressure rating of the tank.
The horsepower available and the lowest pressure rating of any component limit the pressure setting.
NOTE: Valves have individual pressure ratings and do not require de-rating for threaded connections.
The amount of hydrogen contained in each tube depends on tube diameter, length, and pressure rating.
The quantity of product a container can hold is determined by its pressure rating and internal volume.
The capacity and pressure rating can be varied easily by changing the diameter of the piston and cylinder lines.
For the revamp unit, the product specification target shall be based upon the pressure rating of the existing equipment.
The amount of gas in a cylinder is determined by the pressure, temperature, cylinder size, and cylinder pressure rating.
Use of a pressure rating at a metal temperature other than that of the contained fluid shall be the responsibility of the user.
Sometimes, this increase can overcome the static pressure rating of the fan motor and reduce the volume of air through the unit.
The ram BOP is the most important equipment for secondary well control, quick to shut in the well, and of a high pressure rating.
Although it is under less pressure than Greece, Portugal's credit rating was downgraded this week.
If Italy deteriorates, Spain would likely follow, and even greater pressure would be placed on France, which already has initiated an austerity program to preserve its AAA rating.
Pressure to trammel the markets (banning trading in credit-default swaps, setting up a more pliable European rating agency) should be dismissed as an attempt to shoot the messenger.
All Pacific Valves are designed to operate through pressure and temperature range shown in these P-T Charts for a particular ANSI Class Rating and ASTM Material.
Any use other than for water or at a sustained or instantaneous pressure in excess of listed rating is UNSAFE and may cause property damage, serious bodily injury or result in death.
Never exceed the maximum pressure or flow ratings of any component in your system the component with the lowest rating determines the maximum performance available from your system.
Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the data sampling to the dynamic pressure, rating pressure and pressure of the stopping point, the indicated chart could be achieved.
It must be installed in a piping system, where the normal pressure does not exceed this rating.
After combustion calculation of different nozzles are finished by using maximum firing pressure and fuel consumption rating as indexes, reasonable nozzle's parameter is found.
YXC Electric Contact Pressure Gauge is better than YX Standard Electric Contact Pressure Gauge on high power rating, reliable signal, long life, and to vibration-proof.
YXC 型电接点压力表同YX 型电接点压力表相比具有额定功率大,发讯可靠,接点寿命长等特点,并有一定抗振动性能。
YXC Electric Contact Pressure Gauge is better than YX Standard Electric Contact Pressure Gauge on high power rating, reliable signal, long life, and to vibration-proof.
YXC 型电接点压力表同YX 型电接点压力表相比具有额定功率大,发讯可靠,接点寿命长等特点,并有一定抗振动性能。