These resorts remain unbeatable in terms of price.
The dimensions of the market collapse, in terms of turnover and price, were certainly not anticipated.
Similarly, the customer will get the best price as defined by the terms in the customer and base contracts.
Consequently they further lift the price of gold in terms of tomatoes and potatoes.
They are the price of one currency in terms of another and, like the price of anything, when exchange rates change, supply and demand changes.
A "price" is simply the terms of exchange, the ratio of the quantities of the two goods being traded.
The PRICE, in marketing terms, is the amount of value that has been placed on a product.
M: it's a document from the seller to the buyer. It contains full particulars of the goods sold, such as quantity, quality, price, forwarding particulars, and terms of payment.
But NRG's management rebuffed the all-stock deal, and its shareholders, at first enthusiastic, got cold feet as NRG's rising share price made the terms less generous.
It's better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings.
In terms of price mechanism, the amount of export rebates needs to be thought through before carried out.
Be aware, however, that creating additional clusters and cluster members comes with a price in terms of memory, CPU capacity, and other things, so you should not create a large number of them.
The only other solution is to drive down wage costs relative to those in competing countries. This option is also costly: Germans have paid the price in terms of high unemployment and stunted growth.
If the dollar falls, the dollar price of a commodity must rise for its overall price-in terms of a basket of global currencies-to remain stable.
While men, unlike women, can continue having children into old age, there could be a price to pay in terms of their child's intelligence.
Professor: It is the price of one currency expressed in terms of another .
However, there could be a price to pay in terms of performance. There is (potential) overhead in object creation and in method dispatch.
As a result, every price will be reckoned simply in terms of its "money-price, " its price in terms of the common money-commodity.
But the creation of extra money in one country ought also, other things being equal, to drive down its price in terms of other currencies.
This could befuddle a public long accustomed to thinking in terms of inflation rather than price levels.
In real terms the Economist's commodity-price index has gone backwards since 1862, falling by around half since then.
Dotcom shares were assessed in terms of "price per click" rather than anything tangible.
So, the bid price is the--they don't do it in terms of price, they do it in terms of discount so the bid discount rate- there would be two numbers for each.
So, the bid price is the--they don't do it in terms of price, they do it in terms of discount so the bid discount rate- there would be two numbers for each.