In Thiam's case, the share price fall was a 15 time multiple of his package.
But a big price fall started in about 1996, so that by 2000 RAM was about 107 per dollar.
The buy-out firm has seen its share price fall by half since its initial public offering last June. See article.
Sales growth is slowing, and even Ericsson, the industry leader, has seen its share price fall by 50% in the past year.
Investors are now concentrating on what Lehman Brothers will do next, after the bank's precipitous share price fall.
Investors who piled into gold at the last peak in 1980 saw the price fall by two-thirds in the 20 years that followed.
The announcements had an immediate impact on major Chinese game operator NetEase, which saw its stock price fall more than 5 percent.
The other piece of evidence for home ownership’s benefits is that the house-price fall has so far spared most existing homeowners from absolute losses.
A large and sustained asset price fall could have huge economic costs, including contributing to the risk of deflation-as illustrated by Japan's experience.
This paper aims to examine the optimal regional trade flows of China's feedgrain market and its response to feedgrain price fall using a hybrid transport model.
The flag-fall price of a taxi in Shanghai has risen to 11 yuan from 10 yuan during the daytime.
He expects a second round of price declines: a further 20% fall would bring prices back to their long-run average against earnings.
The dramatic fall in the price of computersover the past twenty years has significantly increased the demand for printers, monitors and internet access.
Do you think the price for those components will fall drastically in three months 'time?
Only a fall in the price can hope to restore balance to the market, by boosting demand and restricting scrap supplies.
There were the first signs of trouble in paradise last year, however, with prime property in certain areas in Ireland and the US showing a fall in price.
It may be that the price of iron ore will fall, hobbling Vale's progress.
And unlike gold and stocks, if the price starts to fall you might struggle to get out as it's not the most liquid asset, if you forgive the pun.
For example, as for the food prices, the general rule is that the price is low in fall and high in spring.
After a fall in the export price, you want the local currency to depreciate against the dollar.
Although electricity bills would fall, the price of gas (the most popular home-heating fuel) would rise.
When the bubble bursts, property price wants to fall to 100.
When the bubble bursts, property price wants to fall to 100.