We decided to buy a former rental car, only a year old, all the extras included, and best of all NO haggling - the price is the price!
Suppose that a wine connoisseur and Joe Sixpack are haggling over the price of the 1998 chateau petrus, which Joe recently inherited from his rich uncle.
Even if you're shopping with people you know, they might raise an eyebrow when you start haggling, but they'll sure be jealous when you get a better price than they did!
He recently bought a car on the Internet; instead of haggling forever, he got what he considered a fair price, made the purchase and moved on. (Comment on this story.)
Im never sure if im getting the best price, and most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling.
I'm never sure if I'm getting the best price, most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling.
We are not used to haggling over price.
I'm never sure if I'm getting the best price, and most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling.
Do it again and again. You could offer a little higher price. After the haggling you should be able to buy it at half off, or more, of the first price.
Do it again and again. You could offer a little higher price. After the haggling you should be able to buy it at half off, or more, of the first price.
Do it again and again. You could offer a little higher price. After the haggling you should be able to buy it at half off, or more, of the first price.