Note that the customer credit card table has the privacy icon for the primary account number.
I have seen a number of cases in which the -p option was used on UNIX platforms and the primary group of the account changed over time.
For example, if account Numbers are assigned across all types of accounts, account type may need to be used along with account Number to form the primary key of the accounts entity.
例如,如果所有类型的账户都被指定一个Account Number,那么可能需要使用AccountType和Account Number一起作为Accounts实体的主键。
For example, if account Numbers are assigned across all types of accounts, account type may need to be used along with account Number to form the primary key of the accounts entity.
例如,如果所有类型的账户都被指定一个Account Number,那么可能需要使用AccountType和Account Number一起作为Accounts实体的主键。