Common processes of primary air fan-coil system are given in this paper. The disadvantage of winter process is pointed out.
In this paper the selection and optimum of operation of the pressure type cold primary air fan in large boiler were analyzed.
The reasonable calculation parameters for air-conditioning room are determined with examples, and the energy consumption for the primary air fan-…
By using this method, winter process of primary air fan-coil system is more convenient to be determined and the performance of fan coil is more stable.
The paper research completely deep present consuming energy to Primary air fan-coil unit system, Path and method of energy saving was systematically brought forward.
The primary air fan-coil system is a system form that is used widely, whose water system hydraulic optimization is an important mean of advancing design work quality and efficiency.
Presents the air conditioning system and smoke exhaust system design of this project, applies the primary air fan coil system and secondary pump water system in the Top Electronics City.
In light of the operating condition, design principle, stress condition and the characteristic of air flow, the cause of fracture and mechanism of primary fan was studied and analyzed in this paper.
The noise from the centrifugal fan is measured and analyzed. It shows that air dynamic noise is primary one. for control air dynamic noise.
FFU laminar flow unit is an air filtering and purifying unit with its own blower fan, it comprises of primary efficiency filter, blower fan, high efficiency filter and static pressure box.
FFU laminar flow unit is an air filtering and purifying unit with its own blower fan, it comprises of primary efficiency filter, blower fan, high efficiency filter and static pressure box.