The ratio of primary care doctors to population is higher in Massachusetts than in other states.
The primary care doctors Cuba's system depends on are poorly paid, even though salaries tripled recently.
In most affluent countries, the number of family physicians and primary care doctors continues to decline.
But many who gained coverage have been struggling to find primary care doctors, and the average waiting time for routine office visits has increased.
The startling finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a total of seven doctors—two primary care physicians and five specialists—in a given year.
Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system—doctors are rewarded for the quantity of care rather than its quality or effectiveness—is a primary reason that the cost of care is so high.
The programme provides knowledge and skills to primary health care providers such as general doctors, nurses and health care workers to identify and manage these disorders.
Congress, the specialists say, should find additional money to pay for primary care and should not redistribute dollars among doctors - a difficult argument at a time of huge budget deficits.
Doctors trained in internal medicine have historically been seen as a major source of frontline primary care.
One major need is to improve the relevance of the ICD in primary care Settings (clinics, doctors' offices and frontline health services), as that is where most people are treated.
The percentage of female doctors taking less lucrative primary care positions fell from 49% in 1999 to 34% in 2008, the researchers found.
A survey of primary health care facilities in Bangladesh found the absenteeism rate among doctors to be 74 percent.
It is unlike managed care, in which primary doctors act as gatekeepers to specialists and the overriding goal is not managing care but managing costs.
In the study, paid actors pretended to be patients and were equipped with hidden microphones. They visited the offices of 100 primary-care doctors in the Rochester area.
Some 12,000 doctors responded, the vast majority of whom were primary care physicians.
Some 12,000 doctors responded, the vast majority of whom were primary care physicians.