The execute method is the primary entry point whenever a user executes an action that requires them to submit the page.
The ConfigurationInterface class, illustrated in Figure 1 and Listing 13, is the primary entry point to the configuration interface framework.
For the south side of the original site is Phoenix Mountain with luxuriant plants, the project design attempts to take it as the primary entry point of the general form layout.
This servlet serves as the primary entry point of all the HTTP Web service requests and delegates the request and response object instances to the request processor for further processing.
To evaluate a simple cardiovascular risk management package for assessing and managing cardiovascular risk using hypertension as an entry point in primary care facilities in low-resource Settings.
A landscape wall, clad in local coloured stone, splays out from the primary plan form, providing a point of entry to the house, and allowing the excavation that drops the garage below the ground line.
This bulding is primary base of group PTT, entry point is located at 53,27&54,29 , please keep it VSB, do not overbarricade.
这是PTT目前主要的基地位置,入口位于53,27以及54,29,请保持入口的 防护 等级在VSB,不要过度筑防。
This bulding is primary base of group PTT, entry point is located at 53,27&54,29 , please keep it VSB, do not overbarricade.
这是PTT目前主要的基地位置,入口位于53,27以及54,29,请保持入口的 防护 等级在VSB,不要过度筑防。