If we come out after the primary market, we are heading for second and third the market.
Ticket markets can be separated into primary market and secondary market, and the latter is the resale market.
The secondary market is where securities are bought and sold once they have been issued in the primary market.
If bond secondary market has no enough liquidity, it will result in difficult trade of bond and primary market can't exist too.
China is now the primary market for tiger bone, rhino horn, elephant ivory, live snakes, pangolins and a whole host of wildlife products.
Secondary market: the market where something is traded after having initially been sold (on the primary market) by the original owner or issuer.
Still, the typewriter's primary market appears to be snooty novelists who claim they cannot compose on any technology introduced since Hemingway took a dirt nap.
From before domestic aviation carriage market still is a primary market only, market growth is immature, lack ego adjustment function, market stability is poor.
The primary market segment includes individuals who utilize the internet, games, TV shows, and Music and also have the means of purchasing this kind of technology.
The secondary market gives a continuing opportunity for buying and selling and price discovery, and provides the liquidity that allows the primary market to function.
Agricultural products marketing is still in a primary market state, and per capita advertisement investment is not enough, these factors have affected the growth of rural area advertisement market.
The primary goal of the new system you develop for solving the problem would be to increase market share.
They complain that barriers to China's domestic market mean that India is mostly shipping unrefined minerals and primary goods, getting finished products in return.
They complain that barriers to China's domestic market mean that India is mostly shipping unrefined minerals and primary goods, getting finished products in return.