There are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.
Parallel rails had long been used in mining operations to move bigger loads, but horses were still the primary source of power.
Wood, the primary source of heat for homes and industries and also used in the iron industry as processed charcoal, was diminishing in supply.
The United States will remain the primary source of clean-energy innovation.
The course is based on careful readings of primary source documents, with commentaries.
It`s best to consume organic vegetables and fruits as your primary source of alpha-carotene.
Farming is the only or primary source of income for more than three-quarters of the world's poor.
That means the money raised in the IPO will become the primary source of fresh capital for lending growth.
It can give you the viral edge that turns you into the primary source for a particular type of functionality.
Receiving a RealLetter or Package via Snail Mail – E-mail has become the primary source ofwritten communication.
Their primary source of information was a detailed ethnographic description of over 1,200 language groups across the world.
As of this writing, the blogosphere is the primary source of information about news and events that occur in many countries.
The VOA sets the rates for different types of property, and local authorities collect them as their primary source of revenue.
"Virtual goods sales already represent the primary source of revenue for social gaming on Facebook," he writes in the new report.
They find that 62% of the refugees in China had relied on the market as their primary source of food; only 3% relied on the state.
And, of course, the information Centers remain the primary source for reference information and task-oriented product documentation.
Stakeholders are even the wrong category to be used as a primary source of knowledge when we need to architect an enterprise system.
The 140 character limit is necessary only because text messages, one of Twitter's primary source channels, are similarly constrained.
(140字符的限制完全来自文本消息,它是Twitter 的主要来源渠道,并受到类似的限制)。
Here in Siba, across the river from Abadan, the salt water is slowly destroying agriculture, the primary source of income other than oil.
nss_ldap is a set of C library extensions that allow LDAP directory servers to be used as a primary source of user and group information.
Twenty thousand jobs would be lost, and many communities in the north of England and in Wales would lose their primary source of employment.
Although you may have multiple streams of income, decide which type of income will be your primary source, and design your site around that.
In some systems, these stored messages are the primary source of up-to-date information for supporting the business of an institution or firm.
Academic journals tend to be the primary source of news for science reporters because that is where researchers usually publish their findings.
Many parasitic, tropical, and "orphan" diseases are infrequent in the developed world, the primary source of revenue for medicines manufacturers.
Source material: Primary source for all four librettos is Schott's 1899 vocal scores (republished in the United States by Schirmer in 1904).
Twenty years ago, when the U.S. was the primary source of global capital, that didn't matter -- we didn't need the cash; the rest of the world did.
Twenty years ago, when the U.S. was the primary source of global capital, that didn't matter -- we didn't need the cash; the rest of the world did.