There are reactor coolant system weld issues, they're used and they're getting primary water stress corrosion cracking.
The stable isotope composition indicates that their rock-forming fluid is the seawater, meteoric water or primary water.
Both the fecal coliform Numbers given and the chlorination concentration mentioned are two primary water-quality indicators.
There is an intricate phenomenon that the content of primary water is high in sandstone gas reservoir with low-permeability, but several gas wells can produce water.
Working out the primary water pollutant discharge standard for the chemical industry in Jiangsu province had a practical significance to clean production and environmental protection.
The primary growing medium, what the plants draw nutrients from, is actually soil, not water.
Primary containment vessels in units 1 and 3 are reportedly intact, but a structure in unit 2 has cracked, preventing water from fully covering the core.
Scare water is not the primary problem, however. Hydro stations normally produce only about 22% of the nation's power. Most of the remainder-73%-comes from coal.
We also need to cool the reactor and the spent fuel in the spent fuel pool but that basically means you wanna maintain the coolant inventory which means water in the primary system.
Typically only birds who rely on insects as their primary source of food fly south for the winter, and some birds are drawn to water and wet environments.
They are aimed at either cleaning the water in the primary system, providing separate shutdown cooling functions, water chemistry, charging and volume control, makeup water.
7 hr 30 min Even after operators pump water into the primary loop, pressure is still high. The PORV 'backup valve is opened to lower the pressure.
7 hr 30 min Even after operators pump water into the primary loop, pressure is still high.
The primary objective of the LRO is to prepare for future lunarexploration, scouting for safe and compelling landing sites, potentialresources (like water ice) and more.
Steam within the primary loop, now no longer circulating with the water, rises.
Nepal has achieved the goal on access to safe water, and is on track to meet the goals on gender parity in primary and secondary education and on reducing under-5 mortality.
Here in Siba, across the river from Abadan, the salt water is slowly destroying agriculture, the primary source of income other than oil.
Essential primary health care; minimum essential and nutritious food; sanitation; safe and potable water; and essential drugs are included in the core content.
In rural areas poverty leads to a lack of the basics: food, water, primary schools, simple health care.
But this one would be more or less on the primary side, you're losing water from the steam generator.
Then you have a low steam generator water level which means that you probably have a leak somewhere and the question is, is it on the primary side or on the secondary side?
When you have an event, the reactor is operating at full power, you blowdown the primary coolant which is hot, you start injecting emergency core cooling water which is cold.
The entire primary loop of the nuclear reactor - the pressure vessel, pipes, and pumps that contain the coolant (water) - are housed in the containment structure.
The reactor vessel is surrounded by a thick steel-and-concrete primary containment vessel, equipped with a water reservoir designed to suppress overheating of the vessel.
Although a water garden's primary focus is on plants, they will sometimes also house ornamental fish, in which case the feature will be a fish pond.
Scientists say that the planet is right distance from its primary star that it may contain water.
Obviously water is being removed from the primary system, flooding into the containment and entering into the containment sump which is in the basement where all the water essentially ends up.
Half of the core is now uncovered, and the radioactivity of the water in the primary loop is 350 times its normal level.
It is also clear that global warming's accelerated melting of the nearby Himalayan glaciers is not the primary culprit in the region's water deficit.
It is also clear that global warming's accelerated melting of the nearby Himalayan glaciers is not the primary culprit in the region's water deficit.