In short, Windows HPC isn't ready for prime-time.
Prime-time hits disappear from that season's selection after five weeks.
On Wednesday, Mr.Sanchez ended two months as an interim prime-time anchor.
Sure, I know the fighting in Tripoli provides quality footage for prime-time news.
They will compare notes about cartoons, Nickelodeon, or prime-time programming.
Rarely, if ever, did they ever respond directly to their critics, leastof all on prime-time network television.
One speaker the Republicans were careful to get before prime-time viewers was Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California.
This week Mr Sarkozy appeared on prime-time television for over two hours, most of them spent debating with 11 ordinary people.
Electronic point-of-sale mobile payments at retail locations aren't quite ready for prime-time - but they're getting closer.
Piers Morgan will quit Britain's Got Talent for the chance to become the first Englishman to host a prime-time U.S. chat show.
At a nationally-televised prime-time news conference earlier this month, he was asked about Leahy's proposal, and said he would review it.
Mr Sarkozy, who appeared live on prime-time television this week, seems to want to accomplish three things with his narrower Gaullist line-up.
Because you can't drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio's prime time, while music, talk, and news radio greatly enlarged their audiences.
But because you can't drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio's prime time, while music, talk, and news radio greatly enlarged their audiences.
In the UK, matches are scheduled for prime time TV viewing.
"Telemedicine holds enormous promise, but these sites are just not ready for prime time," says Jack Res neck, the study's lead author.
In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating.
My gut tells me that a return to 1950s prime time seems outlandish, but Ican imagine a future where we have choices but something will be lost.
In two hours of prime time TV you might see ads for two to three different brands of cars.
It'sclear that such impertinent questions don't make for good television, at leastnot in prime time Sunday evening.
The problem was that McGovern began to talk at 2:48 a.m., or prime time in Samoa, as the humorist Mark Shields quipped.
In 2006, the year before Ms. Dubuc joined the channel, it drew an average 1.1 million viewers in prime time.
The advertisement was aired during prime time around the country and cost more than three-million dollars.
DPAR 2 had 4001 registered users, 1320 active users (33 percent active), and performed an average of about 7,000,000 daily prime time transactions.
Many people say they are most productive early in the morning; others claim late night is their prime time.
The first DPAR (DPAR 1) had 3985 registered users, 1235 active users (31 percent active), and handles about 7,000,000 daily prime time transactions.
第一个DPAR (DPAR1)有3985个注册用户,1235个活动用户(31%活动),并且每天正常工作时间处理大约7,000,000个事务。
The first DPAR (DPAR 1) had 3985 registered users, 1235 active users (31 percent active), and handles about 7,000,000 daily prime time transactions.
第一个DPAR (DPAR1)有3985个注册用户,1235个活动用户(31%活动),并且每天正常工作时间处理大约7,000,000个事务。