The IAALS wants stronger enforcement of the principle of proportionality.
The fourth part is the principle of proportionality teaching in the education system of administrative law.
The legal limits of police shooting shall follow the principle of proportionality and meet the requirements of appropriateness, necessity and balance.
The principle of proportionality of administrative law means the administrative agency should select the proper way that does the least damage to people .
The rule of reasonableness of common law and the principle of proportionality of civil law are the principal standards to control administrative discretion.
Based on the needs of justice, the principle of proportionality aims to achieve the equilibrium of interests through studying the relationship between means and ends.
In modern times, it is the universal practice to apply the principle of proportionality into the field of criminal justice, especially in the criminal coercive measures.
The principle of proportionality is an important principle in administrative law of the developed countries, especially of the nations and districts of continental law system.
The significance of the principle of proportionality to legalization of incentive regulation is mainly reflected in that it can guarantee appropriate regulatory of incentive regulation.
It made clear that insurance companies should conduct their ORSA under the direction of the board and senior management, and follow the principle of forward-looking and proportionality.
It made clear that insurance companies should conduct their ORSA under the direction of the board and senior management, and follow the principle of forward-looking and proportionality.