Principle of Proximate Cause, as an important principle of the marine insurance, it plays a very important role in the indemnity of insurance.
In our country, although the Insurance law and other relevant laws and regulations have not make clear rules to the principle of proximate cause.
The reason is that Chinese insurance law has no stipulation on principle of proximate cause, which results in the different ways of law application by courts and arbitrators.
That there is no stipulation in Chinese law leads to the difference judgment in litigation. In practice, the principle of proximate cause is applied in claiming damage and litigation.
Fortunately, my tutor is quite good at Marine insurance, and I am very interested in principle of Proximate Cause, so I wrote this dissertation, and hoped it would be helpful to readers.
The proximate cause is a generally recognized principle of international law, but as to the principle , different countries have different understandings.
The proximate cause is a generally recognized principle of international law, but as to the principle , different countries have different understandings.