Print-on-demand is ideal for very short runs (25 to 500 copies).
Alternate output (pdf; print/print-on-demand; customized Shared Book style; etc.)
可选择的输出形式 (pdf格式;打印或必须打印;个性化分享图书的风格,等等)
The content can be modularized and the chunks licensed, royalties tracked and pages selected for print-on-demand, all with relative ease.
Thanks to new print-on-demand technology you can create and publish custom books that offer bookstore-quality printing and binding at a reasonable cost.
To accomplish this, Consolidated Graphics plans to print the covers using HP's Indigo digital presses-the same presses HP USES for its print-on-demand service, MagCloud.
You may know that my latest book Wine Words was published using Print on Demand.
Now site PRINTER has permission to read the user's photos from site photo and will be able to print that user's photos on demand.
Professor McAfee allows anyone to download a Word file or PDF of his book, while also taking advantage of the growing marketplace for print on demand.
Amazon has launched a print on demand (POD) programme in the UK. said that the service would mean it could rapidly print and ship an individual book following a customer order.
据数字出版在线消息,亚马逊在英国推出按需印刷(Print On-demand,POD)服务,英国亚马逊(官方表态说,这项服务将意味着它可以及时跟踪客户订单,快速打印和并邮寄给客户。
Lexus recently used Blurb, an on-demand publisher, to print 1, 800 copies of a book promoting the automaker's green practices.
凌志汽车最近就找到按需(on - demand)出版商Blurb来印刷1800份推广凌志公司绿色环保行动的书籍。
It has struck the deal with On Demand Books, makers of the Espresso book Machine that can print a 300-page book in less than five minutes, complete with a cover and a bound edge.
If you've ever wanted to print 3d objects at home on-demand, now is your chance.
A drop-on-demand ink-jet printer has been used to print a silver-organic solution onto glass substrates.
A drop-on-demand ink-jet printer has been used to print a silver-organic solution onto glass substrates.