Note that certain visa categories will not be scheduled for an interview until the case's priority date is eligible.
The priority date is the date when the petition was filed at a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) office or submitted to an Embassy or Consulate abroad.
The priority date is generally the date when the applicant's relative or employer properly filed the immigrant visa petition on the applicant's behalf with USCIS.
Although, not in itself, enough to monopolise an invention a provisional application will provide an applicant with an all important priority date and patent pending number.
You can specify the order of the work packages in the work list by priority or date.
Each row also contains the customer key that placed the order, the total value of the order, the date the order was placed, and a code describing its priority.
The list can be filtered by task state (draft, started or finished), and can be sorted by priority, start date or due time.
Also, by sorting the issues list by priority and next review date, you get an immediate list of issues that need resolution rather than reviewing issues that have an impact later on in the project.
Optionally, you can list additional information for each URL, including its last modification date, its change frequency, an expiration date, and a priority value.
The ToDo interface represents a single task on the task database on the mobile device. The important fields are Note or Summary, Priority, Completion Date, Due Date and whether completed.
ToDo接口表示移动设备上的Task数据库中的单个任务,重要的字段是NoteorSummary、Priority、CompletionDate、Due Date和whethercompleted。
By adding backbone router to form the redundant link, diverging the video date and establishing priority and so on, the proposed scheme enhanced the transmission efficiency of the entire network.
"This is a programme that can't have a hard-end date as safety is number one priority, " Mr Attenborough said.
Where an applicant claims the priority in Taiwan region in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the application date of the prior application shall be on and after September 12, 2010.
Where an applicant claims the priority in Taiwan region in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the application date of the prior application shall be on and after September 12, 2010.