They use a prefix for these global configurations to indicate the overall priority of that configuration.
The WHO Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol offers measures and identifies priority areas of action to protect people from harmful alcohol use.
Make the best use of available resources by applying to the highest priority projects.
Technology continues to be a top priority in 2009 with 70 percent of planners reporting an increase in technology use in meetings management and marketing.
Many times, it's the items that customers most value (like ease of use or user documentation) that are placed at a lower priority.
The earlier use of an assigned priority for the ABC production was a little bit of a hack, I confess.
The safest approach is to make all threads use a single priority value and eliminate the use of Thread.yield and other kinds of spin loops that will fully consume a CPU because they never block.
最安全的方法是让所有线程使用一个优先级值,不使用Thread .yield和将消耗整个CPU(因为它们不会被阻塞)的其他类型的自旋循环。
Yielding only to a thread of the same priority means that Thread.yield is of questionable use in an RT application that USES more than one RT priority.
只让步给具有相同优先级的线程意味着在使用多个RT优先级的RT应用程序中使用Thread .yield可能会出现问题。
In postfix notation, the need for parentheses is eliminated and the priority of the operators is no longer relevant. You can use the following algorithm to evaluate postfix expressions.
CFS does not use a priority array, and it does away with the array-switching artifact of the vanilla scheduler. A few important differences between RSDL and CFS.
When you use complex algorithms, requests are distributed based on, for instance, how well a server is performing, what kind of hardware the server has, and how customer priority is processed.
Priority, they add, should be given to modifying lifestyle by reducing the "very high" use of salt in Chinese food.
A priority for regulators is to find ways of tracking down criminals across borders and ensuring they are punished, a tough task when criminals can use proxy servers to remain anonymous.
“In the real world, the mechanical systems may have problems, so that increases energy use,” Mr.Frankel said, adding that keeping track of energy use is rarely a priority for owners.
The Forwarding Process, 7.7, describes the use of user priority and traffic classes in MAC Bridges.
If you plan to use the default priority-based conflict resolver, you do not have to set the resolver property of an article.
You might want to use one of the following static variables defined in class as the priority, though you must include the package at the beginning of your file.
虽然必须在文件的开头包含包,但用户可能想将com . ibm . pv c . ins . nm . server类中定义的下列静态变量之一用作优先级。
Interior space division give priority to with straight line, founder of the architectural space, with straight line interval, can maximize the use of space.
Try to give up use of toxic, harmful materials, to minimize the consumption of energy and raw materials, give priority to select recycled materials.
Farm produce will also be a priority, especially the use of pesticides and antibiotics, according to the document.
The signature principle for other clauses is: holding the priority in our hand as can as possible, let supplier do according to our requirements and use fully the right of owner.
Priority to the use of a large flow of fire cooling mobile artillery, high - gun, gun or truck gun.
A joint operation scheme was proposed based on priority to make full use of the storage of feeding reservoir group and to make the operation process controllable.
The method for a group of container storage space request that have been given the priority sequence, recurrent allocation of space, to achieve the minimum use of space.
A new comprehensive evaluation model is established on the basis of the grey cluster method and by use of the characteristics of concordance priority index and disconcordance priority index.
When we speculate, with the "Wizard" method, we use "breadth" of the disease priority search algorithm to complete reasoning.
The priority policy of joint use of the shortest expected processing time and the longest prcessing time is optimal when the expected processing time is non-proportional to the number of the jobs.
Priority 1 and 2 drivers can use a total of 54 tyres, which is 14 more than in Bulgaria.
Priority 1 and 2 drivers can use a total of 54 tyres, which is 14 more than in Bulgaria.