It allows you to add any folders to the virtual invisible private folder.
Since My Reports is a private folder, the report will only be visible to you.
The Invisible Private Folder can help you keep your files protected from kids, friends and co-workers.
Microsoft private Folder is a software utility that protects your private data and sensitive information on your PC.
This version is only a minor update to the version 1.20, move the database from the private folder to the public folder.
For example, photos taken from an Android phone can be automatically dumped into a private folder in the Google + Web service, a la Apple's iCloud.
例如,android手机拍的照片会被自动上传到google +web服务器上的一个私人文件夹内,类似apple云服务的方式。
Then assign the task from your private Tasks folder.
Want to send very private messages to someone without needing to erase the copy automatically saved in the phone's sent messages folder?
You typically create a private drop folder on a client computer, such as the development computer of a developer or a tester.
您通常会在用户端电脑 (例如开发人员或测试人员的开发电脑) 上建立私用置放资料夹。
However, the CRT assembly can also be installed as a private side-by-side assembly in the application's local folder.
If the required assembly is not found, the operating system then searches for a private assembly installed in a folder of the application's directory structure.
If the required assembly is not found, the operating system then searches for a private assembly installed in a folder of the application's directory structure.