The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, ratified by 100 nations, bars countries from claiming sovereignty over any part of the Moon, but does not prevent private companies from setting up shop.
Unfortunately, the Maastricht Treaty pays no attention to what is happening with private sector savings.
In all, we see private disequilibria, but the illusion of fiscal stability, with countries more or less in line with treaty criteria for fiscal deficits.
Many pieces that fail to achieve their reserve price at auction are quietly sold afterwards in “private-treaty” deals negotiated by the auction houses.
The United States Enrichment Corporation, a private company spun off from the Department of Energy in the 1990s, is the treaty-designated agent on the Russian imports.
The ec Treaty empowers the private economic operator to seek assistance of the courts in order to oblige the Member State not respecting the Treaty obligations.
Being main branch of international aviation transport private law system, international treaties among Warsaw system are widely accepted aviation transport regulations besides Chicago Treaty system.
Being main branch of international aviation transport private law system, international treaties among Warsaw system are widely accepted aviation transport regulations besides Chicago Treaty system.