However, private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages.
Collin eventually took Andersen out of the school and arranged private tutoring in Copenhagen.
As the reasons why senior high school studentstake part in the private tutoring, it is mainly because of improving the competitivenessin exams.
Thee average expenditure of private tutoring is about 1000 yuan/month. Although thetutoring intensity in Senior Grade Three is not the highest, the expenditure is just thelargest.
江西省高中生的平均补习支出大约为 1000元/月,高三阶段的补习强度虽不是最高,但高三阶段的补习支出最大;
So now, Vuthy and his wife can afford a high school education and private tutoring for two of his four children, who are studying in Kampong Speu province, 30 kilometers southwest of Kiri Thmey.
Most senior high school students choose to take private tutoring at home oftheir own teachers. Students in provincial capitals mostly choose to take privatetutoring in tutoring organizations.
Parents looking for an alternative to traditional schooling for their child now have options other than special classes, tutoring and expensive private schools.
It was because of that that I abandoned journalism, and took to so much duller work: tutoring and private secretaryship.
This motivated me to establish Study Bush, a volunteer organization that encourages 120 excellent high school students to provide peer tutoring for children in substandard private schools.
'Educating your children in the West used to be a fashion', says Dasha, who runs a tutoring agency in London that prepares Russian children for Western private schools.
So many parents, including those paying for private schools, see home tutoring as a near-compulsory insurance policy.
So many parents, including those paying for private schools, see home tutoring as a near-compulsory insurance policy.