Cut taxes and spending, privatize, and deregulate.
The core of the Ryan proposal is a plan to privatize and defund Medicare.
Conduct decisions to "make or buy", privatize, or outsource products or services.
But in the rush to privatize, too little attention has been paid to these finer points.
There is an alternative to establishing private-sector monopolies and here 'privatize and regulate' can work both ways.
It includes a plan to privatize and defund Medicare that would leave many if not most seniors unable to afford health care.
Armenia has also managed to slash inflation, stabilize the local currency (the DRAM), and privatize most small - and medium-sized enterprises.
亚美尼亚也已经成功地削减了通货膨胀,稳定了其货币(the dram),并且完成了大多数小型和中型的企业的私有化。
And that brings me to Mitt Romney's latest really bad idea, unveiled on Veterans Day: to partially privatize the Veterans Health Administration v.
NARRATOR: the young reformers asked Boris Jordan, one of the first foreign bankers to set up shop in Moscow, to find a company to privatize. But they had to move fast.
旁白:鲍里斯·乔丹(Boris Jordan)是第一个在莫斯科开设营业部的外国银行家,年轻的改革家们要求他寻找一家公司进行私有化,但他们必须行动迅速。
But laying down dozens of tents and announcing that you and your friends intend to live there indefinitely always sounded suspiciously like an attempt to, in effect, privatize that public space.
But laying down dozens of tents and announcing that you and your friends intend to live there indefinitely always sounded suspiciously like an attempt to, in effect, privatize that public space.