Two unusual features of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council should be borne in mind.
That is because most of the 12 retain the Privy Council in London as their court of final appeal.
These were established by statute, and an appeal lies from them to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
The appellants then took the case to the Privy Council, which handed down judgement in their favour on November 21, 1996.
Finally, they created the Witan (council or meeting of the wisemen) to advise the king, the basis of the Privy council which still exists today.
For many countries (especially commonwealth countries) appealed may be hear from the highest court of these countries by the privy council.
Ms Westwood was approached to design the gowns in 2007 after the College successfully petitioned the Privy Council for degree-awarding powers in its own right.
There are disciplinary committees for doctors, dentists and opticians. These were established by statute, and an appeal lies from them to the Judicial committee of the Privy Council.
Though rather slow to act, the Privy Council eventually had the vaults beneath the Lords searched on the 4th November, first by the Earl of Suffolk and late the same evening by Sir Thomas Knyvett.
He appeared in the Federal Courts of Canada, Supreme Courts of British Columbia, High Courts of Singapore and assisted London barristers in the Commercial Courts and the Privy Council in London.
I was privy to the row at a European Council meeting in 2002 when Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac went head-to-head over the impact of agricultural protectionism on poor African countries.
I was privy to the row at a European Council meeting in 2002 when Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac went head-to-head over the impact of agricultural protectionism on poor African countries.