You may have what researchers call proactive interference, where old information gets in the way of the new.
But the proactive interference effect and learning efficiency have no significant difference among three groups.
You can overcome proactive interference by consistent (even silent) correction, especially when you space rehearsals over time.
When strong habits impede our ability to acquire a desired new habit or association, we experience a common phenomenon known as proactive interference.
Gunter, Berry and Clifford, "Proactive Interference Effects With Television News Items: Further Evidence. " J Experimental Psychology: Human Learing and Memory, vol. 7, 1981
电视新闻的顺向干扰效应:进一步的证据。〉 《实验心理学期刊:人类的学习与记忆》,第7册, 1981。
Gunter, Berry and Clifford, "Proactive Interference Effects With Television News Items: Further Evidence. " J Experimental Psychology: Human Learing and Memory, vol. 7, 1981
电视新闻的顺向干扰效应:进一步的证据。〉 《实验心理学期刊:人类的学习与记忆》,第7册, 1981。