Doing those probability density dot graphs, we can get an idea of the shape of those orbitals, and we know that they're spherically symmetrical.
So, doing those probability density dot graphs, we can get an idea of the shape of those orbitals, we know that they're spherically symmetrical.
So again if we look at this in terms of its physical interpretation or probability density, what we need to do is square the wave function.
So if we're talking about probability density that's the wave function squared.
And so, the radial probability density at the nucleus is going to be zero, even though we know the probability density at the nucleus is very high, that's actually where is the highest.
So again, we can think about the probability density in terms of squaring the wave function.
Figure 1 shows a typical normal probability density function, so called because most observations fall into this sort of distribution.
This is not a node because a node is where we actually have no probability density.
Anywhere where that's the case we're going to have no probability density of finding an electron.
So, that's probability density, but in terms of thinking about it in terms of actual solutions to the wave function, let's take a little bit of a step back here.
PROFESSOR: Probability density, yes.
Well, it depends on what you know about the measurements' probability density function (PDF).
它依赖于您对度量值的概率密度函数(probability density function, PDF)的认识。
a perfectly spherical shell dr at some distance, thickness, d r, dr we talk about it as 4 pi r squared d r, so we just multiply that by the probability density.
So, again we can use these probability density plots, which are just a plot of psi squared, where the density of the dots is proportional to the density, the probability density, at that point.
Figure 1: Normal probability density function, which illustrates that actual observations may vary from the expected (or average).
In such a situation, mass fraction probability density function model is an appropriate method to approach the reaction phenomena.
The probability density function (PDF) is constructed from the time distributions of signal and backgrounds and the relations among time, time uncertainty, mass, and mass difference variables.
It is based on the markov random field with new features, such as clique potential, initial nodes probability density.
Based on the concepts of randomness and fuzziness, a fuzzy reliability analysis method of probability density function equivalent is proposed in this article.
The square modulus of the wave function is proportional to the probability density of finding the system at each point in the configuration space.
It also gives a construction approach for approximating the probability density function of activity duration, which will facilitate the computer simulation of the PERT diagram.
Probability density of finding an electron within that molecule in some given volume.
Probability density evolution method for the analysis of linear stochastic structural static response under random loading is proposed.
We get a buildup of electronic probability density between the nuclei.
In pattern recognition, regression estimates, the estimated probability density function, and other aspects of application.
The wave function and probability density are obtained by the creation and annihilation operators of the invariant operator.
The numerical simulation of turbulent combustion in the afterburner of solid rocket ramjet was performed by applying the probability density function non -premixed mode.
The method not only would be effective to describe the inter-frame correlation information, but overcome tie of the state probability density function being mixture Gauss distribution.
The probability density function of velocity response of oleo damper excited by exponential colored Gaussian noise has been obtained.
The probability density function of velocity response of oleo damper excited by exponential colored Gaussian noise has been obtained.