But crime, the cost of living and the problem of housing have all worsened substantially since Mr Chavez came to power, he says.
The main conclusions of this paper are generalized as follows:(1)The problem of housing fairness in fact is the issue of housing affordability.
Low-rent housing system, the housing security system as an important component of the solution to the problem of housing for low-income families to play an active role.
The urban poor increasingly serious problem of housing, slum and squatter settlements is in large numbers, which have seriously affected the normal urban socioeconomic development.
In finance the "originate and distribute" model of bank lending may have dispersed risk, but it also meant that a problem in the American housing market damaged Banks all over the world.
在金融领域,“贷款并证券化(originate anddistribute)”的银行借贷模式能够分散风险,但也意味着只要美国房地产市场出现问题,全世界的银行都要受到损害。
The problem is that mortgage rates are not the obstacle to recovery in housing; cheap mortgages are of little use to buyers if lending standards are inappropriately and discouragingly high.
In the latest crisis, the problem was that investors erroneously believed property prices were quite predictable and built a whole edifice of derivatives on the back of the American housing market.
Raising interest rates would have been another, much blunter solution to the problem of an overheating housing market.
What we really ought to be doing here is concentrating on fixing the financial system and the housing problem. Not using this crisis as an excuse to go on an explosion of spending.
Now many of those borrowers can't pay back the loans, a problem that is exacerbated by the collapse in housing prices.
In their own process of urbanization, every country will encounter the problem of land requisition and housing demolition.
An architectural school affiliated with a university in Alabama is tackling the problem of affordable housing by designing a house that can be built for $20, 000.
He stated that building this kind of apartment is not for making money; he only wants to solve the transitional housing problem for college students who just graduated from college.
Housing relocation is a common problem rising in process of urbanization and industrialization of all countries in modern world.
The problem of urban density and housing costs is global.
But legal protection has been slow to develop and has not yet solved the social problem of inequality in voting, education, employment and housing.
The shortage of of housing is brought out as one of the most urgent problem as well as the rapid loss of natural resource in our homeland.
It analyses the background and significance of the problem and points out that the low-rent housing system is an important measure to realize the basic rights of residents.
The vacancy rate problem in commercial housing is so serious that stirs the research of developers behavior decisions, but at present, such researches are so limited.
The second is the product of structural surplus and second-hand housing market is lagging behind the problem.
Housing problem of lower income group is an important social and economic problem to any country.
If low income person's housing problem can not be paid attention to and solved properly it will cause a series of other questions, for instance social security question, etc.
If low income person's housing problem can not be paid attention to and solved properly it will cause a series of other questions, for instance social security question, etc.