But psychologists should proceed with caution.
Anesthesia doctors, should proceed with caution!
When you are allowed to reuse this feature, please proceed with caution.
Proceed with caution when walking on slippery floors and in congested areas.
When it comes to using forums to get critiques of your work, I say proceed with caution.
He said young people must proceed with caution if family history places them at higher risk.
Thiazolidinedione therapy for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: Go, stop, or proceed with caution?
But even if you've found your consummate Mary Poppins, I will advise you to proceed with caution.
However, the House and Senate are on the case and voted to proceed with caution, but both houses have passed!
Travel will be on your mind; however, be careful and proceed with caution as minor accidents will cause delays.
If so, this does not necessarily mean you shouldn't ask for a raise. You do, however, have to proceed with caution.
Proceed with caution, and although this is highly unlikely, the author(s) do not take any responsibility for that.
Proceed with caution. Don't launch new projects until tomorrow or the next day, and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
But such a plan should proceed with caution, both Li and Yi warned, citing the huge risks involved due to changing resource prices.
Privacy and regulatory concerns: If you work for a company where what you say in public could send you to jail, proceed with caution.
有隐私和规章方面的忧虑:如果你工作的公司是那种你一公开说话就会进局子的公司。 要倍加小心使用社交媒体。
Privacy and regulatory concerns: If you work for a company where what you say in public could send you to jail, proceed with caution.
The task you ' ve taken on could be more difficult than expected. proceed with caution. haste makes waste, and all other similar mottos.
"Proceed with caution," says Mel Grieshaber, executive director of the Michigan Corrections Organization, which represents correctional workers across the state.
Please exercise strict control over the work of suppressing counter-revolutionaries, and be sure to proceed with caution and correct any deviation of rashness in handling the job.
As any veteran marathon runner will tell you, the opportunity to waste your good fitness on a training run is never more than a few poorly paced miles away - so we need to proceed with caution.
注入马拉松老手告诉您的,在训练中浪费您体能的只是错误配速的几英里而已- - -因此,我们必须时刻保持警惕。
Here's some sound advice — if you approach a woman and the first words out of her mouth are "I'll have a Vodka Seven," chances are she's probably out to score some freebies, so proceed with caution.
Once her clients are suitably terrified, she explains why they should still proceed-with caution.
Thank them for the heads up, figure out your plan to prevent or minimize the danger you've been warned of and proceed with appropriate caution.
The global thermostat can't be turned down quickly once it's been turned up, so scientists say we need to proceed with more caution right now.
You are not abnormal; your brain is just "unusually" sensitive to new stimuli, causing you to proceed with extreme caution usually "unnecessary caution.
You are not abnormal; your brain is just "unusually" sensitive to new stimuli, causing you to proceed with extreme caution usually "unnecessary caution.