The way consumers now approach the process of making purchase decisions means that marketing's impact stems from a broad range of factors beyond conventional paid media.
Well, I think a better idea would be to approach someone who's involved in the process.
Recognizing the potential benefits of being identified as environmentally responsible, fisheries approach the Council requesting to undergo the certification process.
You might think about how you would approach the acquisition process if you had it to do all over again.
In conjunction with the lack of a standard approach to documenting process customizations 5, this deficiency obstructs project implementation.
The advantage of using business process approach in this case is simplified support for invocation of external activities (services).
This article addresses the issues of model size, re-use, modularity and flexibility in business process models by proposing a component-oriented approach to business process modeling.
Progressive renewal of core systems through a process oriented approach is key to aligning business requirements with it.
As a result, based on the design-time paradigm, one might consider using either a rule set or a business process approach for solving the same problem.
As anyone who's worked in multiple organizations knows, each one has its own unique approach and process.
This approach simplifies the publishing process and related costs.
As the number of service and process variability points starts to grow, managing your business process using the approach described above becomes tedious and reduces flexibility.
If you use this approach a process could experience a situation where multiple receive activities wait for the same port type and operation.
Instead of replacing the standard Linux authentication process, the approach used here will introduce another layer of verification based on the user name.
When you need to accommodate human interaction in an automated process, this approach reduces the cost of requirements analysis, interface development, and back-end integration.
The w3 installation process USES a silent installation approach through xmlaccess.
BPEL allows composition of web services and is thus the top-down approach to SOA -the process oriented approach to SOA.
But, however well he automated the process, his approach was unavoidably idiosyncratic: every developer who joined the project had to discover where the test scripts lived and how to invoke them.
The activities in each of these areas need to be carefully governed by a framework that institutes a disciplined process-based approach toward an enterprise's SOA transformation.
This process-oriented approach begins with the domain decomposition sub-technique as part of service identification.
The services are designed, implemented, and choreographed to enable a business to take a process-centric approach for business transformation.
Schools turned into factories and ever since have resisted all efforts to break from a monolithic batch-process approach.
Business process management (BPM) is a process-based approach, usually arising from a top-down modeling of business processes and use cases.
业务流程管理(Business Process Management,BPM)是基于流程的方法,通常以业务流程和用例的自顶向下建模为基础。
With this approach, you use two tools, WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade, which automate much of the migration process. This approach involves the following steps.
He brings his natural and educational background to audit companies based on a continual process approach that confutes many-faced value management systems.
The process approach introduces horizontal management, crossing the barriers between different functional units and unifying their focus to the main goals of the organization.
The design method for optimizing an absorption unit in chemical processes is discussed and a process approach for optimizing a plate or packing column is proposed.
At present, the process approach is the focus of discussion in the quality management system certification area.
It illustrated that it was necessary to apply process approach to nondestructive testing because it was a method of evaluating the quality of special process product.
It illustrated that it was necessary to apply process approach to nondestructive testing because it was a method of evaluating the quality of special process product.