The manufacturing process design Environment is mainly composed of the electronic data bank, manufacturing process design workstation, and open architecture controller.
BPM Studio (i.e. the ALBPM design environment, fully BPMN-based) will run in JDeveloper (along with BPEL Process Designer), and JDev will be extended to support separate business and it perspectives.
The final step in the process is to hook the service implementation into the design-time environment, which I'll demonstrate how to do after I discuss how to implement the designer host.
Though the module design process analysis, one can very easy add and get rid of some procedures with target and environment changing constantly, but needn't revise the kernel part.
On the design of the instrument software, because the computer data process system of the first and second kinds of products run in the DOS environment, which is written by the language of the BASIC.
The virtual prototype system of railway locomotives and vehicles provides a modeling and simulation environment for optimization of product design and production process.
Based on characteristics of visualization of program design, visualization software development environment (VSDE) is put forward, which provides dynamic views during the process of developing.
Based on concurrent engineering, the development process of the environment control system for aircraft and the structure of system design are analyzed.
The design ideology, exploring environment, the function flowing of the real time alarm process computer aided system and it 's application in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station are introduced.
The essay summarizes the process of the design that for the monument sacred to the memory of marlys, arlalizes tile relation between the memorial architecture and its environment.
Therefore, the vault crown subsiding process and its total settlement are important factors for tunnel supporting design and environment controlling.
In the learning process it was very specific, like cubism, fauvism, abstract, but what I was studying was stage design, space, lighting, things to create a fake environment with.
Three keys aspects permeate the entire design process and serve as the conceptual horizons that articulate the project: Totality: Tackling the problem of designing a total environment.
In concurrent engineering environment, the integrated design process works along with the integrated product information model.
Based on it, quantified process planning system was established. The new way was presented to solve the problem of quantified process design under the 3d environment.
The fourth section focuses on the product design process in PDM environment combined with practice on the project - Concurrent product Development Platform.
第四部分结合并行协同设计平台项目实践研究了PD M支撑环境下的产品设计过程。
Explains the structure importance in pharmaceutical building design and discusses the way as to how to select suitable structure incorporating requirements of environment and production process.
The process of architectural settlement design is exactly the process of discovering the representing of the site environment and masterminding the intervening of the architectural settlement into it.
But in the real production scheduling process, faced with complex processing environment and resource constraints, we need to design a effective algorithm to solve the scheduling problem.
Through green design, products with good function, life cycle and good quality were obtained, and the influence of the process on the environment was reduced.
The article states a design of short-range wireless digital video image receiver, which can understand and process field situation timely when people can't present for the bad production environment.
Meanwhlle, it is designed to seek for the design ideas and specific methods in the process of creating a new regional architecture culture, taking city life and environment structure into account.
This paper introduces the development of online bookstore system model and environment, and specifically elaborated the system analysis, outline design, detailed design and system process.
This paper describes the design environment of virtual prototype (VPE) for weapon system which is becoming more and more important in the process of weapon system design.
This thesis focuses on the tunnel environment, video-based intelligent fire detection fire alarm system design process of issue records, also made of the core algorithm improvements.
This method increases reusability of the simulation model, simplifies the modeling process of combined simulation environment, improves the design quality of product u...
Among them include the teaching process and the mode pieces to design, the software and hardware resources environment installation, teachers and the students' character requests etc. contents.
The cycle process model of collaborative meaning making from dialogue perspective developed in the paper has important implication on CSCL environment design, process analysis and evaluation.
The objective of the design project is to simulate the process of system design as it might occur in a "real-world 'manufacturing environment."
The objective of the design project is to simulate the process of system design as it might occur in a "real-world 'manufacturing environment."