Such interfaces can be part of business process definitions in areas where human communication (or the lack of) may cause the business process to slow down or stop.
Most boundaries are obvious: network connections, process-to-process communication, file systems, operating system interfaces, and so on, but some boundaries are more subtle.
It USES process-to-process communication to improve the performance when the queue manager is running locally.
The model's goal is to track data flow by regulating both process communication and process label changes.
Communication takes the form of the client process sending a message over the network to the server process.
The process which initiates the communication is the client; the process that waits to be contacted is the server.
The transformation process of value chains from traditional mobile communication to 3G is in fact the process of value chains extension, subdivision, and conformation.
The dissertation tries to argue that the process of the conversational communication is the process of the interactive and dynamic negotiation in our daily communication.
Another reason to keep the debugging logic in the same process is to improve performance by removing the cross-process communication overhead.
This paper attempts to expatiate on the process of verbal communication, which is actually an interplay process of context and utterance:context always plays a role in interpretation and restriction;
This paper attempts to expatiate on the process of verbal communication, which is actually an interplay process of context and utterance:context always plays a role in interpretation and restriction;