Practical applicability means that the invention or utility model can be made or used and can produce effective results.
This writer would also argue based on personal experience that early mornings between 7-9am can also produce effective results. When you think about it, this makes sense.
The experimental results showed, that plasticized powder extrusion is effective way to produce small cemented carbide pipes.
A water bath or a steamer is not recommended since neither results in a sufficiently high temperature to produce effective sterilization.
For example, diseases such as multiple sclerosis is still no effective treatment, but the peptide antigen structure may change its produce good results.
Take planting Bermudagrass as an example, this article introduces a method of using waste paper to produce grass breeding special paper. The results indicate that this method is effective.
Four 12 bit results can be added together to produce an effective 14 bit result.
A lot of experimental results showed that microwave irradiation technology is an effective method to produce activated carbon and to increase its adsorption pr...
A lot of experimental results showed that microwave irradiation technology is an effective method to produce activated carbon and to increase its adsorption pr...