With online services, Microsoft is freed from product release cycles.
Product release number for which this approved change is scheduled, determined by CCB.
A couple days ago she attended the P&G Communitys new product release press conference.
However, there is no way of following up when that product release is available to the customer.
A third digit in the product release number designated maintenance releases, such as the 3 in 4.5.3.
It is not practical for having such a universal information gathering tool bundled with the product release.
Make your business more approachable by sharing appropriate news other than the latest product release.
This can be a product release, a sub-system of a complete system, or a collection of products to form a suite.
Results from monitoring should be reviewed as a part of batch documentation for finished product release.
As the end of our project drew near, we had to begin considering what might be needed for the next product release.
Product release and delivery shall not proceed until the required reviews have been satisfactorily completed.
You are in charge of building a system, creating a new product release, or any other complex business project.
A common workflow Project record could act as a container or parent record to all Issues for a given product release.
Test Center is equipped with a variety of inspection equipment to provide a solid protection for product release.
At the end of the Transition phase, the Product Release Milestone evaluates the project against the following criteria.
It provides control mechanisms for planning a product release and then managing variables as the project progresses.
Process synchronization problem, producers produce product into the buffer, consumer spending product release buffer.
Part 6 tells you what you need to ensure that you don't run into last-minute problems that will delay the product release.
Version information consists of company and product identification, a product release number, and copyright and trademark notification.
A RETAIN Call Center APAR close code can be set to inform the user that their problem will be addressed in a certain upcoming product release.
This could potentially be implemented by mapping a RETAIN Call Center release field to a RATLC field for product release or defined Project.
Sales meetings. Summit Forum. products to market / new product release. roadshow road show. opening groundbreaking ceremony. Presentation Ceremony.
InfoQ caught up with Ross Mason to learn more about the product release and get a glimpse into what to expect from the new features in the product offering.
The core team can produce a subset of the system test applications, scenarios, and automation scripts for use during final system test prior to product release.
The Product Release Milestone is the point at which you decide if the objectives of the project were met, and if you should start another development cycle.
You can also refer to developerWorks Rational for regular updates on RSA, as well as look at up-to-date information on the rest of the tools in the Atlantic product release.
On the success side, it might mean specific revenue, product release, merger and acquisition opportunity, or reduced liability directly attributable to a particular SOA project.
For other projects, you may need to estimate the size of requirements that you plan to build over several iterations, or which you can commit to the overall product release ab initio.
For other projects, you may need to estimate the size of requirements that you plan to build over several iterations, or which you can commit to the overall product release ab initio.