Our products by the Chinese People's Insurance Company to assume the quality of products liability insurance.
Product quality inspection agency by the state statutory certification, by the People's insurance to assume the quality of products liability insurance.
The established liability insurance in sports can avoid and evade a lot of related risk coming from sports products, mass sports and professional sports as well as athletes.
通过体育运动责任保险来规避或转嫁相关民事赔偿责任风险, 这是建立体育运动责任保险关系的前提条件。
Insuring risks is an activity that is almost as old as commercial banking. Insurance companies offer a wide range of products including life, health, property, and liability insurance.
Insuring risks is an activity that is almost as old as commercial banking. Insurance companies offer a wide range of products including life, health, property, and liability insurance.