Internal types — Used during program execution.
This helps minimize page and cache misses during program execution.
The die statement halts program execution and displays text to the Web browser.
A complete cycle, i. e. input, processing, output, of a program execution.
After the data declarations, the program execution begins with a call to puts (line 31).
Hitting this point performs a specified action but does not break program execution.
"Persistence," by contrast, refers to keeping data between one program execution and another.
The Integrated I Debugger client user interface also enables you to control program execution.
It is possible that during program execution some exception is thrown, and the file is not unlocked.
Other challenges are the integration of SPU program execution into existing tools like GDB or OProfile.
其他挑战还有 SPU程序执行与现有工具(例如GDB和OProfile)的集成。
If a test fails, an error message is reported, indicating the point of failure, and program execution halts.
Goroutines are lightweight parallel paths of program execution similar to threads, coroutines, or processes.
Notice also that the abort button becomes active in the Toolbar. You can press it to abort program execution.
Setting break points: Program execution can be temporarily suspended at specified points (called break points).
At this point, the break statement causes program execution to break out of the while loop, skipping the else clause.
Using them along with the debugger helps you track memory use with the program execution which manifests a memory error.
Clearly, if the second and third arguments turn out to be unequal during the course of program execution, that's an error.
In general, "state" refers to information about the current conditions of program execution-runtime data stored in memory.
We introduce a new method called critical memory to protect critical data in program necessary for correct program execution.
Note that the Stop program Execution with serial Interrupt Option must not be checked if your target program USES the serial port.
As an added benefit, a testing framework also forces you to explicitly declare the expected results of specific program execution routes.
SELinux permits security transitions to occur only upon program execution, and it controls process' permissions (not portions of a process).
SELinux 只有当程序执行时才允许发生安全传输,它控制进程的权限(不是一个进程的一部分)。
However, if you create a thread with a function evaluation, the thread is treated the same as it would be during normal program execution.
Because compilation happens at the same time as program execution, the time it takes to compile the code is added to the program's running time.
The system initially processes each tape prepared offline and writes a new tape which is arranged in a more convenient form for program execution.
Early main-frame system administrators had the job of taking program execution requests, assigning them a priority, and giving them a time frame to run.
早期,大型机的管理员,要做这样一些工作- - - - -接收程序执行的请求,给程序分配相应的优先级,然后,分给程序一个运行的时间段。
Visual trace 6 is used during program execution to reveal the execution path through a diagram; it depicts the control flow and how the software operates.
For runtime errors, Eclipse lets you set breakpoints, monitor variables, manually change variables, and step through program execution by line or method.
This aspect could be made to use the same logging framework as the embedded logging code so that the merged output gave a combined view of the program execution.
A watchpoint will break program execution when the specified expression changes value, but it must be set when the variables used in the expression are in scope.