This instructs DB2 to pass the index keys to the sort program in memory, rather than having the keys written to and read once again from sort work files on DASD.
这将指示DB 2将索引键传递给内存中的排序程序,而不是再次将这些键写到DASD上的排序工作文件中,然后从中读取这些键。
These data collections, eventually called "files," were normally used so that a program could generate output that would be read by the next program in a batch sequence.
The most common mistake is to assume that because an instance of your program wrote the data out, it can read that data back in again without verifying it.
The natural progression (at least, in the English language) is to start at the top of a page or program and read a line from left to right.
Instead of IO, where you could read a file and write a file, ABC's designers decided to just have global variables in the program.
With the color tiles created, the first step in the program is to read these color tiles and develop an average color value for each tile.
Having found out how many items the PPE needs copied, the SPE program can allocate local storage, read the items in (using the same code as before), and then perform its algorithm, reviewed above.
When you type them into the Python interpreter (or if you save them in a file and execute them as a Python program), the statements are read starting on the left side and progressing to the right.
In this case, if an auditing program needs to know about the changes to the auditTable table, it must go read the table at some time interval.
It should be noted that you will read a series of question marks instead of Chinese characters in the sample program, if the Windows environment is not set up for Chinese codepage.
Let's take a look at how our enhanced EcmaScript program,, will read a file called dbinit.ini. Entries in the dbinit.ini.
让我们来看一看增强的EcmaScript程序,DBScriptFlex. es是怎样读入一个叫做dbinit . ini的文件的。
It allows you to execute text that you read in or create as if it were part of your program.
Variable names are usually chosen so that programmers who read the program in the future can easily tell how each variable is used.
All other files (contained in originals) are not read by the program, although they will be copied to the translations folder as is when the translations are generated.
When a program tries to read a file, small portions of that file are read from several disks in parallel.
A program can present retrieved data in a user friendly format, for example, using graphics in a GUI, to make the data easier to read and use.
But you'd like to write your program not in terms of floats and ints and lists, but in terms of mortgages, and CDOs, and all of the objects that you read about in the paper, the types you read about.
For instance, it can be a string literal in the program or read from a local file.
A programmable read-only memory microchip (PROM) serves to store the initial start-up program for a computer system and is built to withstand the conditions present in outer space.
It could be to participate in a library program or just to hang out and read.
To do these three things it must read your program top to bottom in one pass, looking for your SQL delimiters.
For your program to be able to read a record from the VSAM KSDS, the dataset must be in opened state in the CICS region.
In summary, when you read a program, you don't always want to read from top to bottom.
In the encryption stage, the currently entered event text will be stored on disk, an external program will encrypt it, and then the encrypted file will be read in and sent to Google's servers.
Write a program that will read in a dictionary and a list of phrases and determine which words from the dictionary, if any, form anagrams of the given phrases.
In a thread-safe program, only one writing thread can modify the variable; other threads can read the up-to-date value by declaring the variable volatile.
XML::Simple generally has sensible defaults, so that for example if you specify no input file name, a Perl program named (as in Listing 4) will read a file called part1.xml.
In this program, you learn techniques of modern computer drafting, how to read blueprints, and gain an overview of the various specialties within this field.
In this program, you learn techniques of modern computer drafting, how to read blueprints, and gain an overview of the various specialties within this field.