According to the said optimal design mathematic model corresponding calculating program was compiled.
A study was performed on the PIV algorithm based on fast Fourier transformation (FFT), and the PIV program was compiled and verified.
However, this was the first test that actually ran the compiled test program instead of stopping once the program was compiled successfully.
These improved algorithms were examined on a minicomputer DJS-131. The real time program was compiled and tested on a microcomputer INTEL-8086. The results are satisfactory.
改进后的算法都在DJS- 131小型机上作了考核,并且编制了实时程序在INTEL - 8086微型机上作了试验。结果是令人满意的。
Numerical simulate: the finite difference program was compiled to simulate solute concentration distribution with time and distance. its property was proved by the soil trough experimental model.
Though the three dimensional modeling technology, common methods of amendment has been analyzed in detail in this thesis, and a program was compiled for calculation of different amendment methods.
The result, in some cases, was that the compiled version was never used, such as the case of a compute-intensive program, where all the computation is done in a single invocation of a method.
Imagine that the trivial program in Listing 1 was compiled using GCC, run in Linux on an x86, and has been suspended right after the call to gets .
Usually the classpath is the same classpath you used to compile the program, with the addition of the directory where the compiled output was placed. For example, if the compile command was this.
On the basis of the tight-binding approach in the energy-band theory, the EHMO crystal orbit program to be used in a microcomputer was compiled in the FORTRAN language.
A numerical simulation program for flexural load effects of rc beams was compiled based on the theory of reinforced concrete and finite element software ANSYS.
The exfoliation and simulation of IR spectra peaks were studied with the help of computer simulation technology. A practical program used for exfoliation of spectra was compiled in VB language.
The exfoliation and simulation of IR spectra peaks were studied with the help of computer simulation technology. A practical program used for exfoliation of spectra was compiled in VB language.