Fourth, control over programming is being passed from the networks to local cable operators and satellite programmers.
Requests are recorded either in change control systems, or even for more informal projects, particularly within eXtreme Programming projects, on CARDS or flip charts.
This list is fairly simple, and you may recognize these flow control statements from other programming languages.
This reduces the total programming effort by reducing the amount of effort spent in writing database control logic, while ensuring the consistency and validity of the data.
Asynchronous programming can sometimes be a hassle and I understand if developers sometimes omit the callback references just to keep the control flow more straight-forward.
This reduces the total programming effort by removing duplicated code in the application and by reducing the amount of effort spent in writing database control logic.
The engine would have used loops of Jacquard's punched CARDS to control a mechanical calculator - the forerunner of today's methods of computer programming.
The idea of using punch CARDS to instruct and control a system became the basis of computer programming.
These primary two features — access control and contract programming — allow for much larger teams of coders to work on much larger code bases more smoothly.
Programming with templates is, like using source version control and eating chocolate, highly addictive.
But a generator goes a bit further than a closure: a generator also "remembers" its position within flow-control constructs (which, in imperative programming, is something more than just data values).
This article describes the programming model for Human Task Manager staff resolution, which provides access control lists for instance-based authorization.
Spring delivers control over both client and server connections and provides client proxies to facilitate client-side programming.
The approach uses a programming control structure called the continuation.
这种方法使用一种称为延续(continuation) 的编程控制结构。
Python, like most programming languages, can also operate in this way, by using flow control statements. In Python, there are three primary flow control statements.
One way that some programming departments use Purify is as an automatic step in the source code control process.
有些程序设计部门使用Purify 的方法是,将它作为源代码中的自动步骤来控制过程。
Silverlight 1.1 will support a WPF programming model and features such as layout management, data-binding, and control skinning.
Silverlight 1.1将支持WPF的编程模型和特性,例如:布局管理、数据绑定和控件换肤。
Even though this approach takes manual programming out of UI development, programmers don't have to sacrifice control over the resulting code.
The unusual fear affects just a few thousand people in Britain and treatments for the condition include "psychological re-programming" to control the anxious response to seeing vegetables.
However, provincial broadcasters have gained DE facto control of rivals through content production and programming agreements.
State control of Arab airwaves has shrunk in recent years, but the temptation to inject programming with propaganda persists.
No remote-control or DVR-programming features yet, and it will offer only about 36 channels in the first version.
Performs PABX data-base programming and regular service change to control class of service on all telephone sets in the hotel.
It can adapt different fuzes to identify target and control standoff with programming without changing structure of hardware.
The Comcast Android app that we released this week doesn’t play any video — it’s just a remote control and DVR-programming tool.
Vista also features a cable-friendly DVR, an advanced programming guide, a DVD player, a TV-like remote control — it may even dice Onions.
Chapter five briefly introduces the implementation of system software including DSP, FPGA and PC control Programming.
With PLC control, easy programming process control action, positioning accuracy, high precision.
If you need multiple threads to access such a module, you can use semaphores and lots of programming discipline to control access to it.
If you need multiple threads to access such a module, you can use semaphores and lots of programming discipline to control access to it.