We've even included a progress chart so you can assess throughout the year just how well you are budgeting.
All the foreign teachers, please finish all the teaching progress chart and the weekly lesson plan and send them to Karen-teaching affairs.
Implements the project progress chart, the detailed arrangement, compared to after meeting the list far goes forth to battle highly effective hastily many.
Each student then picked a team to follow out of the field of 65. They watch or read about the games and chart their progress.
Today's chart USES a stopwatch to compare India's progress in development against another pace-setter, China.
Progress has not been uniform, of course. In Italy and Japan employment rates for men are more than 20 percentage points higher than those for women (see chart 1).
As we look back over the progress of the trip, we can chart the iterations (both planned and actual) as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
Report of successful and failed test cases by weekly progress, using the built-in chart (Figure 36).
利用内嵌的图表,通过每周的进展情况对测试用例的成功或者失败进行报告(图 36)。
You see the progress with this zoomed-in chart, showing just the IE9 platform previews and the pre-release versions of other browsers.
This more demanding attitude is also reflected in falls in the number of respondents who think their country is making progress (see chart 3).
But that should not stop a celebration of the progress that has been made over the past decade, during which time deaths from malaria have fallen by 20% (see chart).
Setting out to chart the direction technological progress will take in the 21st century, Mr Kaku is aware that history is replete with unfulfilled prophecies.
It allows you to create graphs to chart your progress and reports that you can generate online or with the print options.
Before you do anything, consider what you're really trying to accomplish and determine how you'll chart your progress.
The childhood mortality chart is a huge success story, but it masks some areas where we've not made as much progress.
And apply the data flow chart; procedure flow chart to design process is in progress detailed instruction for system such as.
All Shared a common theme and aims: to chart material and moral progress through displays of industry from all nations.
Of all parts of your chart, this is the area that will glitter brilliantly and where you can see the most progress.
This paper provides a warning system, it use DTMF signal of telephone and MT8888 as a monolithic DTMF transceiver with call progress. It also gives the hardware and software flow chart of the system.
介绍一种基于电话网且采用MT8888作DT MF信号的收发器件的报警系统,文中给出了MT 8888与电话线的接口电路及软件流程图。
Think about the end goal, your strategy, and the actions you have to take and write a step-by-step plan to get there and chart your progress.
Think about the end goal, your strategy, and the actions you have to take and write a step-by-step plan to get there and chart your progress.