Listing 7 demonstrates the classic progressive enhancement strategy.
With progressive enhancement, we build sites on a foundation of usable code.
It defined progressive enhancement and how its principles improve user experience.
Use progressive enhancement to ensure that everyone benefits from every element on the page.
If you do choose the web path, be mindful of web standards and the principle of progressive enhancement.
Progressive enhancement helps us to do that because it forces us to focus on the content and build out from there.
You could simply remove these elements from the pages, but that would defeat your strategy of progressive enhancement.
Approaching the same requirements with progressive enhancement in mind, you would include the basic table in the markup.
Web developers can use progressive enhancement to handle the fragmentation, while waiting for browser vendors to catch-up to the spec.
In addition to its support for progressive enhancement, jQuery allows you to leverage a large, vibrant community of plug-in developers.
Start with a mobile web app and just view PhoneGap as a progressive enhancement technique for app store distribution and early access to Device APIs.
In addition to Ajax techniques and best practices, you learn how Ajax can improve your user experience through the principle of progressive enhancement.
In addition to Ajax techniques and best practices, you will learn how Ajax can improve your user experience through principles of progressive enhancement.
If you are an application developer, you are free to target "advanced functionality," but you should be doing feature detection and progressive enhancement.
In Part 3 of this series, you worked hard to apply the principles of progressive enhancement and achieve a modern, attractive, and highly usable Ajax interface.
Progressive enhancement is about designing websites so that they are usable on older browsers, while being “enhanced” for users who commit to the latest technology.
By using the principle of progressive enhancement, you can guarantee that such advanced UI features don't hamper your site's accessibility and adherence to Web standards.
通过应用渐进增强(progressive enhancement)这一理念,能够保证这些增强的UI特性不会损害站点的可访问性,并且严格遵守Web标准。
Most importantly, the principle of progressive enhancement urges developers to target a basic device first, and add layers of platform-specific awesomeness where it's available.
Regardless, this article demonstrates that Ajax, progressive enhancement, and user-centered design are all easier with the power and flexibility of open source tools such as jQuery.
In addition to Ajax techniques and best practices, you learn how Ajax can improve your user experience through principles of progressive enhancement, usability, and user experience design (UxD).
In addition to Ajax techniques and best practices, you learn how Ajax can improve your user experience through principles of progressive enhancement, usability, and user experience design (UxD).