Women wear shorts are prohibit from visiting the monastery.
So a certain kind of antifoaming agent is needed to lower the foam layer and prohibit from foaming.
Strictly prohibit from uploading pronunciation inside the navy newspaper station implement privately!
Strictly prohibit from not participating in the idea exercising person here , carrying go against again here!
Too many workplace policies effectively prohibit employees from developing a healthy work-life balance by barring them from taking time off, even when they need it most.
The trade laws did prohibit Anglo-Americans from competing with large-scale British manufacturing of certain products, most notably clothing.
Record's suggestion is to prohibit agents from hiring models with a BMI below 18.
The rules for references between objects of different lifetimes may prohibit member variables in the thread object itself from containing references to these objects.
Walker heard 13 days of testimony and arguments since January during the first trial in federal court to examine if states can prohibit gays from getting married.
And it does not prohibit federal employees from reading news stories about the topic.
The authorities said they would prohibit train, bus and trolley operators from carrying cellphones while working.
The ACLU has filed suit in several states to challenge the few remaining statutes that prohibit unmarried couples from living together.
Some countries even prohibit people from voting, marrying or having children.
The Out of Office agent does not prohibit the user from specifying dates in the past.
WHO's regulations, accepted by all WHO Member States, expressly prohibit the Organization from endorsing specific organisations, products or services.
The FCC's proposed net neutrality rules would prohibit carriers from selectively blocking or slowing Web content or applications.
CLM can prohibit code from being delivered if it doesn't meet this criterion.
Her agreement would prohibit her from making a profit by selling her story related to the case but it doesn't prohibit her from earning money based on her name or her celebrity status.
You could then use a command like the one in Listing 3 to create a policy to prohibit root from switching user identity to db2ins95.
Each of the three Exclusion Parliaments saw the progress in the Commons of a Bill which aimed to prohibit the Duke of York from succeeding to the throne.
We'll prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage because of a person's medical history. They will not be able to drop your coverage if you get sick.
It probably won't surprise you that millions of underage kids -- some as young as age 8 -- are on Facebook, despite rules that prohibit children under 13 from joining the social-networking site.
The most controversial bit is Section 106, which would prohibit entities with access to the Fed’s discount window—ie, banks—from trading swaps or using them to hedge their own exposures.
That sounds like Facebook Connect, but I'm going to guess that Twitter will not prohibit developers from caching that data for time-shifted, aggregate, offline or other interesting types of analysis.
这看起来有点像Facebook连接,但是我猜想t witter将不会禁止开发者缓存数据,以用来时移,聚合,离线或是其他有趣的分析。
That sounds like Facebook Connect, but I'm going to guess that Twitter will not prohibit developers from caching that data for time-shifted, aggregate, offline or other interesting types of analysis.
这看起来有点像Facebook连接,但是我猜想t witter将不会禁止开发者缓存数据,以用来时移,聚合,离线或是其他有趣的分析。