The arrest came as the Argentine government struck down the decree prohibiting such extradition, saying all Argentines should be equal before the law.
At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol.
For example, recently I issued an edict in our company prohibiting meetings on Fridays.
Laws enacted to promote free competition by prohibiting agreements to limit competition.
Second, you may want to consider prohibiting email addresses with public email services.
If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.
The said Act is aimed at prohibiting misleading advertisements relating to drugs and magic remedies.
In both China and India, epilepsy is commonly viewed as a reason for prohibiting or annulling marriages.
Earlier this year it passed a "Paygo" rule prohibiting new spending or tax cuts from widening the deficit.
Eventually, laws were passed guaranteeing workers fair wages and working hours and prohibiting child labor.
However, he argued that there was no medical reason for prohibiting abortions in the early stages of pregnancy.
Oral modifications may be valid even though there may be specific contract language prohibiting oral change orders.
It includes the strongest labor standards in history, from requiring ir hours to prohibiting child labor and forced labor.
The driver ignored the signs prohibiting auto traffic on the plaza, revved the engine, and gunned the Citro? N up over the curb.
Even the law itself is a strange beast, which goes by the catchy name of The Bill Prohibiting Facial Dissimulation in a Public Place.
The law of prohibiting anticompetitive agreement which is an important part of European competition law has a very important position.
A federal law prohibiting the use of public money for research on human embryos prevented her from doing the kind of work she wanted to do.
Tobacco companies have fought these ferociously, suing countries such as Australia for prohibiting logos on cigarette packs, for example.
The rules for wireless companies are similar to those for broadband companies when it comes to prohibiting the blockage of content and services.
When little was known about how the virus was transmitted, laws prohibiting intentionally risky behavior might have helped prevent new infections.
Civil servants said that punitive measures were needed after a law prohibiting all but the thinnest plastic bags - no thicker than 0.04mm - was ignored.
One of his earliest memories is seeing a sign prohibiting the wearing of stiletto heels in a Paris museum — warning of potential damage to the wood floors.
Maintain complete knowledge and strictly abide tolocal liquor laws, particularly those prohibiting service to minors intoxicatedpersons and drunk driving.
Those affected came from homes close to battery factories, despite laws prohibiting factories from being located within 500m (1, 600ft) of residential areas.
Providers should ask parents about tobacco use during clinic visits. Parents can reduce children's exposure to secondhand by prohibiting smoke inside the home.
Providers should ask parents about tobacco use during clinic visits. Parents can reduce children's exposure to secondhand by prohibiting smoke inside the home.