Additionally, the business is ready with an implemented project and portfolio management infrastructure and process.
Another example is project and portfolio management tools, which allow you to manage financial and other aspects of multiple projects as one entity versus as a set of separate entities.
There is ample literature and knowledge on modern portfolio concepts and risk-based approaches that software project managers can draw upon to enhance their management methods.
Process and project portfolio management tools help organizations consistently deliver results that are aligned with business priorities.
In this level of the framework the project manager is responsible for program Management and working to resolve program and portfolio level issues.
The keys to a successful and effective PPM implementation are a knowledgeable portfolio manager (s) and a supporting process that incorporates project management disciplines.
In fact, it is strongly suggested that the implementation of portfolio management practices be defined and executed as a program effort (rather than a project effort).
Portfolio Manager can also be configured to provide a framework for risk management at the project, portfolio, and enterprise level (COSO II).
PortfolioManager还可以被配置用来为项目、项目组合,及企业层的风险管理(COSO II)提供框架。
The project management for the development and deployment of the COTS package will then be managed by Portfolio Manager.
It comes from the journey of adopting Portfolio Management, governance and improving the business processes that surround the project lifecycle and the operations of the business.
它来自于采用Portfolio Management的旅行,管理和改进围绕项目生命周期和业务运作的业务流程。
(See my online article What's Project Portfolio Management (PPM) and Why Should Project Managers Care About It?)
More effective governance, portfolio management, time tracking, project management, cost management, and resource allocation
The two-day seminar on project portfolio management: Practice Standard and Implementation starts by setting the organizational context for project portfolio management.
This paper puts forward the concepts of project portfolio and project portfolio management.
Managers must therefore find ways to integrate project portfolio management with existing project planning and control methods.
Using Project Portfolio Management to set up and optimize NPD process is an effective way for enterprise to improve its ability and efficiency of new product development.
At same time, a new concept to improve the performance by project portfolio management and some techniques and tools were put forward.
At same time, a new concept to improve the performance by project portfolio management and some techniques and tools were put forward.