Project Hope has built many schools and libraries.
Since 1990, Project Hope has helped millions of students from poor families realize their dreams.
Since 1989, Project Hope has helped millions of young people from poor families achieve their dreams of going to school.
Without Project Hope, there is a risk that a lot of children would have an unhappy future.
Therefore, the Project Hope is the hope of those remote regions as well as that of the all nation.
Therefore, the Project hope is the hope of those remote regions as well as that of the whole nation.
Those involved in the project hope that one day their work will help to power a cleaner and greener society.
Supporters of the UK project hope that in future doctors will be able accurately to pinpoint a person's risk of developing a particular disease, based on their genetic predisposition.
While this series will address some of these, rather than answer all of these questions for you, we hope you keep these important questions in mind when planning your project.
Armed with a new awareness of the issue of "wait gain and loss," I hope you can identify some wait loss opportunities on your own project.
Some readers have expressed surprise that I did not spend more time designing XM in advance; I hope this explanation clarifies why I plunged into the prototyping with this first project.
We hope you will be able to apply some of these techniques to your next development project and improve the process and the time to delivery.
Thus far, it has been hard to get any help on the project, though I hope this is going to change soon!
But I hope the analogy provokes readers to look at software project management techniques from a different frame of reference.
We also hope the project will be helpful for understanding why some people are at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's.
However, when I saw new construction that used the design measures my research project was advocating, I was full of hope and inspired to help hazard-prone coastal communities build more sustainably.
The result is that the development project will no longer be a black hole into which money is poured in the hope that some software will appear at some vaguely specified point in the future.
Research is the only way we will be able to find the solution, and I hope the results of this project will bring us a step further towards reaching that goal.
Virginia, where most of the fighting took place, is pumping $2m into the project in the hope of seeing a return in the form of tourism.
曾发生过诸多战事的弗吉尼亚,对此项目斥资 2 百万美元,以期从旅游业中收回成本。
I hope I have described enough to illustrate that all the measures are interrelated and affect everyone involved in the project.
With new Earthships planned across the world, a 16-unit project is scheduled to be built in Brighton, England, the hope is that whole towns are built from Earthships.
Finally, I hope you are as excited about the features of Perl 6 as I am, and that your interest leads you to observe or even contribute to the Perl 6 project.
最后,我希望您像我一样为Perl6的特性而激动,希望您的兴趣会引导您关注Perl 6项目,甚至为其做出贡献。
The project still must garner the necessary permits, but developers hope to have turbines in service in March 2011.
Similarly, your project doesn't have enough time to do something right, so you hack a just-in-time solution and hope to use some future time to come back and retrofit it.
类似地,您的项目现在没有足够的时间处理一些事情,那么您可以采用即时(just - in -time)解决方案,使用未来的时间来改进它。
As a release date is set, the project managers that hope to get some of their functionality into that release must work backwards from the release date.
As a release date is set, the project managers that hope to get some of their functionality into that release must work backwards from the release date.