The ACE has a draft of its "project management plan" -a draft of the plan for the study.
The results of the iterations are documented as updates to the project management plan.
A. Sponsor creates the project management plan based on input from the project manager.
The results of the iterations are documented as updates to the project management plan.
A. Procurement Documentation, Change Requests, Payment Schedule, Project Management Plan updates.
B. Functional manager creates the project management plan based on input from the project manager.
Thee project management plan is composed of the plans and documents generated by the various processes.
The project management plan is approved by all parties, is realistic, and everyone believes it can be achieved.
The project management plan content will vary depending upon the application area and complexity of the project.
All changes to the project management plan flow through the change management process and integrated change control.
The project management methodology defines a process that AIDS a project team in executing the project management plan.
Iterations-go back, in order to work toward a project management plan that is bought into, approved, realistic and formal.
This process results in a project management plan that is updated and revised through the Integrated Change Control process.
Updates arising from approved changes during project execution may significantly impact parts of the project management plan.
A project manager measures against the project management plan to help determine the project status throughout the life of the project.
This is the process necessary for defining, preparing, integrating and coordinating all subsidiary plans into a project management plan.
The project management plan can be either summary level or detailed, and can be composed of one or more subsidiary plans and other components.
Thee project management plan can be either summary level or detailed, and can be composed of one or more subsidiary plans and other components.
Understand how to take the identified information and transform it into a project management plan using the Planning Process Group described in the Guide.
The project manager creates other documents (project documents) in addition to the project management plan to help plan, manage, and control a project.
Develop project management plan-documenting the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate all subsidiary plans into a project management plan.
Take appropriate action to have the project performed in accordance with the project management plan, the planned set of integrated processes, and the planned scope.
Thee Develop project management plan process includes the actions necessary to define, integrate, and coordinate all subsidiary plans into a project management plan.
Information on the status of the project activities being performed to accomplish the project work is routinely collected as part of the project management plan execution.
Direct and manage project Execution-executing the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the project's requirements defined in the project scope statement.
The project management information system is an automated system used by the project management team to aid execution of the activities planned in the project management plan.
Thee project management information system is an automated system used by the project management team to aid execution of the activities planned in the project management plan.
Thee project management information system is an automated system used by the project management team to aid execution of the activities planned in the project management plan.