If she identifies a noncompliance and the project is unable to resolve it according to the process, then she must raise the issues above this manager.
This option transfers the decision-making process about which level to plan from the process engineer to the project manager.
The management of the project is no longer delegated to a project manager, with the customer representative disengaging from the process.
RMC also allows a project manager to rapidly modify any aspect of a delivery process.
The keys to a successful and effective PPM implementation are a knowledgeable portfolio manager (s) and a supporting process that incorporates project management disciplines.
Because our company USES Portfolio Manager as its project management solution, its it team has decided that the defined process is to be the basic template for all COTS implementation projects.
For the purpose of this article, I will provide an initial mapping of all the PM Process Groups to the RUP Project Manager role and associated activities.
The Initiating Process Group(Figure 3-6)starts a project or project phase, and the output defines the project's purpose, identifies objectives, and authorizes the project manager to start the project.
The project manager is actively involved with the procurement process and assists in managing procurements.
Evaluate the layout, production capacity; lead the process improvement, cost down project. Support the management data to production manager.
The project manager and project team must address every process, and the level of implementation for each process must be determined for each specific project.
In 2003, I was appointed to be the Project Manager of a new product and assisted to technical transfer the process from our technical transfer Center in new Jersey, US to Macau.
In 2003, I was appointed to be the Project Manager of a new product and assisted to technical transfer the process from our technical transfer Center in new Jersey, US to Macau.