The color projection system also includes a projection lens optically coupled to the polarizer.
The infrared target simulator is composed of infrared target image transmitter and the optical projection system.
The invention relates to a projection system for producing attenuation components of projection data of a region of interest.
Two years ago it seemed as though a new, improved 3d projection system could rescue a film business battered by falling DVD sales.
The conversion of coordinate model includes the conversion of geography coordinate system and the conversion of projection system.
In order to improve the performance of a servo system for background projection system, its multi mode control algorithm is modified.
These brain regions are known to play important roles in the pain projection system, yet none showed major differences between the two toothaches.
Viewing the Sun's harsh light should only be done through protective equipment - proper solar glasses and solar telescopes, or through a pinhole projection system.
The whole optical system using the materials of Ge and si consisted of 11 elements, including 3 lenses for collimator and 7 lenses for the projection system.
The paper introduced the hardware configuration, software design and practical application of the large screen projection system of Guangdong grid dispatching center.
The apparatus has a substrate table configure to hold a substrate, a projection system configured to project the patterned beam onto a target portion of the substrate.
An dynamic projective method of series alternate projection system is studied in this paper. Using dynamic sight point of common locus and orientation with dynamic view.
Performance projection system contributes to enhance information transparency, releases performance risk ahead of schedule and protects middle-small investors' interest.
There is also evidence that in 1888 he shared with Thomas Edison some thoughts on combining a new projection system he had invented—the zoopraxiscope—with Edison’s phonograph.
A back projection system used for film analysis of sports techniques was introduced in this paper with descriptions of its design principle, structure, and characteristics.
The design of a projection system was used to demonstrate how these capabilities allow an optical designer to move almost seamlessly between the different modes of analysis.
投影系统的设计,可用验 证这些功能如何让光学工程师能几乎毫无隔阂的在同的分析模式下使用。
Once you are inside the deep-sea scenery created by the seven-face digital audio projection system, you will find that you seem on a voyage in a ship to sense the vast ocean.
It can also identify and monitor the position of the eyes, so it knows exactly where each image needs to be beamed, and passes this information on to the holographic-projection system.
Plate projection system: a plat exposure system which works by projecting the image from microfilm or compact roll film rather than by the same-size one-to-one contact printing of films.
For the study, Huk and his colleagues had people watch 3-d visualizations while lying motionless for one or two hours in an MRI scanner fitted with a customized stereovision projection system.
研究中,Huk与他的同事们要求被试们在一个配有定制的立体图像投影系统的磁共振扫描仪中静止不动地躺上1至2个小时并观看3 - D影像效果。
It is also able to identify and monitor the position of the eyes, so it knows exactly where each image needs to be beamed and passes this information on to the holographic-projection system.
Even with all the facilities ready, ample preparations should be done before the presentation to ensure that nothing goes wrong even when the PC crashes and the projection system fails to work.
The computer simulation of the distribution of the imaging space illumination under different parameters gives a straightforward proof of the imaging principle applied in this projection system.
The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each based on the Transverse Mercator projection.
UTM系统将地球分为60 个区,每个区基于横轴墨卡托投影。
The second part of a spatial reference system is its projection, which defines how to lay out the Earth surface onto a 2-d surface.
空间引用系统的第二部分是投影,它定义了如何将地球表面放置在2 - d平面上。
One is a system that tracks the whereabouts of the audience's heads. The other is a novel diffraction technique, known as holographic projection.
Queries for other projections result in an error message asking the visitor to "request a supported SRS" (that is, a spatial reference system - essentially, the projection).
Design and fabrication of polarizing beam splitter for projection display system.
The specific parameters of main optical system are deduced from the requirement of pattern transfer for the projection aligner. The limit of these parameters is discussed.
The specific parameters of main optical system are deduced from the requirement of pattern transfer for the projection aligner. The limit of these parameters is discussed.