Don't give me anything now, but promise to pay me $10,000 when you become Prime Minister (首相).
If a promise to pay someone money in the future isn't a debt, what is it?
I don't want to hear your promise to pay me. I want your promise in black and white.
A bond, of course, is just an IOU, a promise to pay back money with interest by certain dates.
Uncle Sam has to promise to pay interests on these bonds, just as you do on any loan you take out.
Uncle Sam has to promise to pay interests on these bonds, just as you do on any loan you take out.
这是笔大数目,因此山姆大叔开始没人可以借贷。 而他就连支付贷款利息都有问题了。
The value of a bond, note or other promise to pay depends on the financial condition of the promisor.
I promise to pay such total subject to and in accordance with the agreement governing the use of such card.
Some people, including some college students get loan from the Hank, and promise to pay within, say, 3 years.
None of the parents has ever said to their child, "I won't love you unless you promise to pay back some day."
We agree on assure the authenticity of the sample(s) information. Here we promise to pay the total price in time.
A promise to pay a debt, especially a signed paper stating the specific amount owed and often bearing the letters IOU.
It's the promise to pay back that debt and pull the family out of poverty that gives them courage to endure the hardship.
"If LeSports cannot stick to its promise to pay within the agreed time, we can cut off their signal at any time," she added.
We've made a deal about today's outing: if they promise to pay attention at the Tate Modern exhibition, then we'll eat at Yo! Sushi.
我们在今天的外出安排上已经达成了“协议”:他们在泰特现代美术馆的展览上能费心欣赏的话,之后就能在“Yo! Sushi”店吃一顿。
By issuing debt in exchange for stock, managers bond their promise to pay out future cash flows in a way that simple dividend increases do not.
The real estate agent agrees to try to find a buyer on the terms specified in return for the seller's promise to pay a commission if the agent is successful.
Instead of taking away the card, the parents promise to pay the 10 grand and then give the kid yet another card, thus encouraging even more irresponsible behavior.
A standard mortgage-loan document reads, 'I promise to pay' the amount borrowed plus interest, and some people say that promise should remain good even if it is no longer convenient.
An express promise to pay all or part of an indebtedness of the promisor, discharged or dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings which begun before the promise is made, is binding.
Barack Obama frequently referenced his support for equal pay legislation, and women will be looking for him to make good on that campaign promise.
The two other studies asked people's opinion of a fictional CEO who asked his employees to take a pay cut and failed to follow suit, breaking a promise to refuse dividends from his stock.
I can also promise you that if your business model relies on print sales, you will make a lot more money if you pay close attention to eye placement in your photographs.
They would promise the gods that, if their prayers were answered, they would pay them by making offerings to them.
I promise to obtain it with my steady perseverance and my belief that every possible effort is to pay off.
In the agreement, Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back at the end of three months.
If I promise to deliver a carload of lumber and the buyer promises to pay me a certain price, and I do not deliver the lumber, I have "breached" my contract.
But if you don't pay back the money at the end of three months, you must promise to give me a pound of your flesh.
To the rich Electronics solemn promise: to leave a pay-phone company at the same time the 10 city and township Wanted agents.
To the rich Electronics solemn promise: to leave a pay-phone company at the same time the 10 city and township Wanted agents.