You have been so prompt in carrying out all these commissions.
You should see the prompt in Listing 6.
It shows a KGDB prompt in the emacs editor. To start the remote debug session, enter.
Be prompt in your response, be courteous and treat me as a potential colleague, not as a supplicant.
Disables "search on Internet" prompt in "open with" window so that it directly opens the program list.
Default: use the default values from the warehouse model and do not provide a prompt in the report specification.
The files and folders section also allows you to quickly launch common folders or open command prompt in a said folder.
"The royal family are sensational, they are always very prompt in their Christmas greetings, " the 39-year-old Kelly said.
Like Knoppix, it shunts boot options off to switches you can type at the boot: prompt in the few seconds before it launches into the default.
One example of implementing a prompt in a model is shown below in which the time dimension query subject has a filter added with prompt syntax.
Convince it that there is no danger from contagion, hold before it the thought of health and strength, and it will be just as prompt in manifesting them.
Usually, both tasks require oodles of Windows tiled on screen to keep a watchful eye-perhaps tail in one window, less in another window, and a command prompt in yet another.
If you want to know more about the help facilities within Python, just enter help at a command prompt in the Python interpreter to access the interactive help utility (see Listing 4).
If you do want to use the command prompt, we also have a tool that pops up a command window in whichever directory you choose in the Solution Explorer.
Accordingly, green space is thought to prompt important exercises in discovery, creativity, and risk-taking.
In some regions, sometimes two or more vowels together prompt the creation of an extra syllable.
Should you find yourself being taken in by a snake, you are advised to remain still as struggling will prompt the snake to squeeze.
This way the user does not have to interact with the log in prompt.
When the prompt value is changed in the first report, the other two reports reflect that change.
This shortcut would actually only run the emulator in Command Prompt and not load an actual virtual device.
At the new password prompt, type in a new password of your choosing, making sure to pick something strong.
Whichever way you choose to start the shell, you should see a prompt as in Listing 4.
The proof is in the prompt—the prompt at bottom is the default Bash prompt, not the one defined in ~/.bash_profile.
其证据就位于提示符中,底部的提示符是缺省的Bash 提示符,而不是在 ~/.bash_profile中定义的提示符。
Investigation of those cases resulted in the girl's prompt hospitalization and treatment.
These prompts are used to resolve the embedded prompt expressions contained in the model.
When in debug mode, these are displayed in a separate Command Prompt window as shown in Figure 1.
Any change in efficacy of antimalarial drugs should prompt an appropriate update in a country's treatment policy.
Any change in efficacy of antimalarial drugs should prompt an appropriate update in a country's treatment policy.